# On Gesture

Register an [event handler](/microbit/reference/event-handler) that will execute whenever the user executes a gesture withthe BBC micro:bit.

input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake,() => {

## Gestures

### Example: random number

The following example displays a number from 0-9 on the screen when you shake the BBC micro:bit.

input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake,() => {
    let x = Math.random(10)
    basic.showNumber(x, 100)

### Example: rock, paper, scissors

The following example shows one of three images (rock, paper, or scissors) when you shake the BBC micro:bit.

input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake,() => {
    let img = images.createImage(`
. . . . . # # # # # . . . . #
. # # # . # . . . # # # . # .
. # # # . # . . . # . # # . .
. # # # . # . . . # # # . # .
. . . . . # # # # # . . . . #

### Lessons

[bounce image](/microbit/lessons/bounce-image), [rock paper scissors](/microbit/lessons/rock-paper-scissors)