# love meter blocks activity

Create a love meter with the @boardname@

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Welcome! This activity will help you create a love meter with the @boardname@. Let's get started!

## ~

Begin by registering an event with `on pin pressed` *P0* to know when someone is holding pin *P0* and pin *Gnd*.

input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, () => {


We are going to create a meter that displays a random number from *0* to *10*. We use *10* as `random number up to` returns a number between *0* and *n*.

input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, () => {
    let x = Math.random(10)


Finally, let's show that number on the @boardname@. You are registering an event handler that will execute on the @boardname@ whenever the user holds the GND pin with one hand, and presses pin 0 with the other hand, thus completing a circuit

input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, () => {
    let x = Math.random(10)


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Excellent, you're ready to continue with the [challenges](/lessons/love-meter/challenges)

## ~