# On Data Packet Received Run part of a program when the micro:bit receives a [number](/reference/types/number) or [string](/reference/types/string) over ``radio``. ```sig radio.onDataPacketReceived(({receivedNumber, receivedString, time, serial, signal}) => { }); ``` ### ~hint To add or remove the parts of the packet from the block, try clicking the blue gear in the corner! ### ~ ### Callback Parameters * ``packet`` - the [packet](/reference/radio/packet) that was received by the radio. The packet has the following properties: * `receivedNumber` - The [number](/reference/types/number) that was sent in this packet or `0` if this packet did not contain a number. See [send number](/reference/radio/send-number) and [send value](/reference/radio/send-value) * `receivedString` - The [string](/reference/types/string) that was sent in this packet or the empty string if this packet did not contain a string. See [send string](/reference/radio/send-string) and [send value](/reference/radio/send-value) * `time` - The system time of the micro:bit that sent this packet at the time the packet was sent. * `serial` - The serial number of the micro:bit that sent this packet or `0` if the micro:bit did not include its serial number. * `signal` - How strong the radio signal is from `255` (weak) to `0` (strong). ### Example This program keeps sending numbers that says how fast the micro:bit is slowing down or speeding up. It also receives numbers for the same thing from nearby micro:bits. It shows these numbers as a [bar graph](/reference/led/plot-bar-graph). ```blocks basic.forever(() => { radio.sendNumber(input.acceleration(Dimension.X)); }) radio.onDataPacketReceived(({ receivedNumber }) => { led.plotBarGraph(receivedNumber, 1023); }) ``` ### See also [send number](/reference/radio/send-number), [send string](/reference/radio/send-string), [send value](/reference/radio/send-value), [set group](/reference/radio/set-group) ```package radio ```