/* Import all components */ @import 'semantic'; @import 'pxt'; @import 'themes/default/globals/site.variables'; @import 'themes/pxt/globals/site.variables'; @import 'site/globals/site.variables'; @import 'themes/default/collections/menu.variables'; /* Reference import */ @import (reference) "semantic.less"; /******************************* Add your custom CSS here *******************************/ /* not relevant in new UI .openproject { background: #4ECC60 !important; } */ .blocks-menuitem.active, .javascript-menuitem.active { background: #738791 !important; } /* not relevant in new UI .help-dropdown-menuitem, .more-dropdown-menuitem { background: #424955 !important; margin-right:0px !important; } */ .huge.download-button i { display:none !important; // otherwise spans 2 lines } .play-button { &:extend(.ui all); &:extend(.button all); &:extend(.blue all); } .download-button { &:extend(.ui all); &:extend(.button all); &:extend(.yellow all); } #filelist .menu { width: 100%; } /******************************* Blockly *******************************/ div.blocklyTreeRow { border-radius:8px; } /* This removes any padding at the top of the toolbox */ div.blocklyTreeRoot { padding: 0px !important; } /* Blockly Text */ div.blocklyTreeLabel { font-family: @pageFont !important; font-size:1rem !important; } .blocklyFlyoutBackground { fill: @grey; } .blocklyToolboxDiv { padding:7px; } .organization { top: 1.6em; } /* Mobile */ @media only screen and (max-width: @largestMobileScreen) { .blocklyTreeLabel { font-size: 0.5rem !important; } } /* Tablet */ @media only screen and (min-width: @tabletBreakpoint) and (max-width: @largestTabletScreen) { } /* Small Monitor */ @media only screen and (min-width: @computerBreakpoint) and (max-width: @largestSmallMonitor) { } /* Large Monitor */ @media only screen and (min-width: @largeMonitorBreakpoint) { } /******************************* Menu Bar *******************************/ #menubar { height: 5rem; } #fileNameInput { width: 350px; }