# Return Exit a function. #docs #return #language #function ### @parent js/statement The return statement exits a [function](/microbit/js/function) and returns a value to the code that called the function. ### Touch Develop syntax return *expression* ### Square function ``` /** * // return the value x * x * @param x TODO */ export function square(x: number) : number { let result: number return x * x return result } ``` ### The type of *expression* The type of *expression* should match the declared return type of the function; in the above example, the return type is Number and we see that the return expression `x * x` is a Number since the input parameter `x` is a Number. ### Storing the returned value The following code calls the `square` function with the number 42 and stores the output parameter in the `result` variable: ``` let result1 = square(42) ``` `result` is the default variable name for the function output, as specified in the function ### Lessons [transformers](/microbit/lessons/transformers) ### See also [function](/microbit/js/function), [calling functions](/microbit/js/call), [function parameters](/microbit/js/functionparameters)