# raise alert to Raise an alert on a remote device. ### ~hint  For another device like a smartphone to use any of the Bluetooth "services" which the @boardname@ has, it must first be [paired with the @boardname@](/reference/bluetooth/bluetooth-pairing). Once paired, the other device may connect to the @boardname@ and exchange data relating to many of the @boardname@'s features. ### ~ ```sig devices.raiseAlertTo(MesAlertEvent.Vibrate) ``` ### Parameters * event - an event identifier ### Examples To tell the connected device to display toast ```blocks devices.raiseAlertTo(MesAlertEvent.DisplayToast) ``` To tell the connected device to vibrate ```blocks devices.raiseAlertTo(MesAlertEvent.Vibrate) ``` To tell the connected device to play a sound ```blocks devices.raiseAlertTo(MesAlertEvent.PlaySound) ``` To tell the connected device to play a ringtone ```blocks devices.raiseAlertTo(MesAlertEvent.PlayRingtone) ``` To tell the connected device to find my phone ```blocks devices.raiseAlertTo(MesAlertEvent.FindMyPhone) ``` To tell the connected device to ring alarm ```blocks devices.raiseAlertTo(MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm) ``` ### See also [tell remote control to](/reference/devices/tell-remote-control-to), [tell camera to](/reference/devices/tell-camera-to) ```package devices ```