namespace neopixel { //% shim=sendBufferAsm function sendBuffer(buf: Buffer, pin: DigitalPin) { } class Strip { buf: Buffer; pin: DigitalPin; brightness: number; length() { return this.buf.length / 3 } /** * Set the brightness of the strip, 0-255. */ setBrigthness(brightness: number): void { this.brightness = brightness; } /** * Set the pin where the neopixel is connected, defaults to P0. */ setPin(pin: DigitalPin): void { = pin; pins.digitalWritePin(, 0) basic.pause(50) } /** * Turn off all LEDs. */ clear(): void { this.buf.fill(0); } /** * Shift LEDs forward. */ shift(off: number = 1): void { this.buf.shift(-off * 3) } /** * Shift LEDs forward. */ rotate(): void { this.buf.rotate(-3) } display() { basic.pause(1) sendBuffer(this.buf,; } /** * Set give LED to a given color (range 0-255 for r, g, b) */ setPix(ledoff: number, r: number, g: number, b: number): void { ledoff = ledoff * 3; let br = this.brightness; if (br < 255) { r = (Math.clamp(0, 255, r) * br) >> 8; g = (Math.clamp(0, 255, b) * br) >> 8; b = (Math.clamp(0, 255, b) * br) >> 8; } let buf = this.buf; buf[ledoff + 0] = Math.clamp(0, 255, g); buf[ledoff + 1] = Math.clamp(0, 255, r); buf[ledoff + 2] = Math.clamp(0, 255, b); } } /** * Create a new NeoPixel driver for `numleds` LEDs. * @params numleds number of leds in the strip, eg: 24,30,60,64 */ export function create(numleds: number): Strip { let strip = new Strip(); strip.buf = pins.createBuffer(numleds * 3); strip.setBrigthness(255) strip.setPin(DigitalPin.P0) return strip; } }