# compass quiz

Create an actual compass to show your direction: North, South, East, or West 

## Name

## Directions

Use this activity document to guide your work in the [compass activity](/lessons/compass/activity).

Answer the questions while completing the tutorial. Pay attention to the dialogues!

## 1. What is the purpose of the 'compass heading' block?

## 2. Write the code that stores the compass heading into a local variable called 'degrees'. 

## 3. Write the 'If statement' that will check if the device is mostly pointing North. Display 'N' on the @boardname@ 

## 4. Write the 'If statement' that will check if the device is mostly pointing East. Display 'E' on the @boardname@ 

## 5. Write the 'If statement' that will check if the device is mostly pointing South. Display 'S' on the @boardname@