# Uploader

## @description A Windows application that automatically deploys .hex files to connected @boardname@ boards

## ~avatar avatar

The Uploader **automatically** deploys .hex files to all @boardname@s connected to your computer.

## [DOWNLOAD](https://www.pxt.io/microbit-uploader.zip)

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## Works with any browser!

The uploader monitors your Downloads folder looking for any .hex file that has been downloaded (saved from the browser). 
When it detects a new .hex file, the uploader tries to copy it to all MICROBIT drives. 
That's it!


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## System Requirements

* Windows XP or later
* .NET runtime 2.0 or higher
* Browser: this application will work for any web browser that is supported by the @boardname@


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## Installation Instructions

* Download the [Microsoft.Uploader.Microbit.zip](https://www.touchdevelop.com/microbituploader.zip) file to your local computer.
* Unzip the .zip file to your desktop.
* Launch the Microsoft.Uploader.exe file before working on your @boardname@.

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