# looper quiz Learn how to create a series of numbers with a for loop. ## Name ## Directions Use this activity document to guide your work in the [looper tutorial](/lessons/looper/activity) Answer the questions while completing the tutorial. Pay attention to the dialogues! ## 1. Describe what a "for loop" does? <br/> ## 2. Draw the areas where the LEDs will be lit based on the code below. Explain why you chose to draw those numbers. ```blocks for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { basic.showNumber(i, 150) } ```  <br/> ## 3. Draw the areas where the LEDs will be lit based on the code below. Explain why you chose to draw those numbers. ```blocks for (let i1 = 0; i1 < 6; i1++) { basic.showNumber(i1, 150) } ```   <br/>