# Fireflies

## ~ avatar

Turn your @boardname@ into fireflies.

## ~


## How do Fireflies synchronize?

Go to http://ncase.me/fireflies/ and read about the fireflies synchronization phenomenon.

## Code the firefly

We want to create virtual fireflies using multiple @boardname@s (each @boardname@ acts as a firefly).
Let's review some of the key points from the article:

### "Each firefly has its own individual internal clock..."

A clock in this case is like a counter, so we will start by adding a ``clock`` variable to our program.

// the clock ticker
let clock = 1

### "...and every time the clock 'strikes twelve', it flashes."

We can use a ``||basic:forever||`` loop to repeat code that increments the clock.
When the clock reaches "noon" (let's pick `8` as noon), we turn on the screen briefly (by using the game score animation)

// the clock ticker
let clock = 0
basic.forever(() => {
    // if clock "hits noon", flash the screen
    if (clock >= 8) {
        // flash
        // wait for 2 ticks
        // reset the clock
        clock = 0
    } else {
        // just wait a bit
        // increment the clock
        clock += 1

### When you see a nearby firefly flash, nudge your clock a little bit forward

The @boardname@ can send radio messages to a neighbor @boardname@. We can use these messages to simulate the "flashes" of light. 

When a firefly flashes, it also sends a number over radio using ``||radio:radio send number||``:

// the clock ticker
let clock = 0
basic.forever(() => {
    // if clock "hits noon", flash the screen
    if (clock >= 8) {
        // notify neighbors
        // flash
        // wait for 2 ticks
        // reset the clock
        clock = 0
    } else {
        // just wait a bit
        // increment the clock
        clock += 1

When a firefly receives a radio packet
**and** it is not sending packet
, it increments its clock by one:

// the clock ticker
let clock = 0
radio.onReceivedNumber(function (receivedNumber) {
    // advance clock to catch up neighbors
    if (clock < 8) {
        clock += 1

## Put it all together


Download this program on as many @boardname@s as you can find and try it out in the dark!

**Note:** We've added a ``||radio:radio set group||`` block to specify which group the firefly will communicate on. 

// the clock ticker
let clock = 0
radio.onReceivedNumber(function (receivedNumber) {
    // advance clock to catch up neighbors
    clock += 1
basic.forever(() => {
    // if clock hits noon, flash the screen
    if (clock >= 8) {
        // notify neighbors
        // flash
        // wait for 2 ticks
        // reset the clock
        clock = 0
    } else {
        // just wait a bit
        // increment the clock
        clock += 1
