# Counter lesson Learn how to create a counter with with **on button** pressed. ## Topic Variables ## Quick Links * [activity](/lessons/counter/activity) * [challenges](/lessons/counter/challenges) * [quiz](/lessons/counter/quiz) * [quiz answers](/lessons/counter/quiz-answers) ## Prior learning and lesson level Learn how to create a **variable** to keep track of the current count. We will be learning how to create a counter app using a variable and simple commands, such as on button pressed, and show number. ## Documentation ```cards input.compassHeading() basic.forever(() => {}) let x = 0 if (true) {} basic.showString("Hello!") basic.showLeds(` . . . . . . . . . . . . # . . . . . . . . . . . . `) ``` * **[variable](/blocks/variables)**: * **[arithmetic operators](/types/number)** * **[on button pressed](/reference/input/on-button-pressed)** * **[show number](/reference/basic/show-number)** ## Objectives * learn how to create a variable as a place where you can store data so that you can use it later in your code, accessible across all functions, and in nested code blocks * learn how arithmetic operators operate on numbers and return a number * learn how to run code when an input button is pressed * learn how to show a number on the LED screen, one digit at a time (scrolling from left to right)