/** * Provides access to basic micro:bit functionality. */ //% color=190 weight=100 namespace basic { /** * Scroll a number on the screen. If the number fits on the screen (i.e. is a single digit), do not scroll. * @param interval speed of scroll; eg: 150, 100, 200, -100 */ //% help=basic/show-number //% weight=96 //% shim=micro_bit::scrollNumber //% blockId=device_show_number block="show|number %number" blockGap=8 icon="\uf1ec" //% async export function showNumber(value: number, interval: number = 150): void { } /** * Draws an image on the LED screen. * @param leds TODO * @param interval TODO */ //% help=basic/show-leds //% weight=95 blockGap=8 //% shim=micro_bit::showLeds //% imageLiteral=1 async //% blockId=device_show_leds //% block="show leds" icon="\uf00a" export function showLeds(leds: string, interval: number = 400): void { } /** * Display text on the display, one character at a time. If the string fits on the screen (i.e. is one letter), does not scroll. * @param text the text to scroll on the screen, eg: "Hello!" * @param interval how fast to shift characters; eg: 150, 100, 200, -100 */ //% help=basic/show-string //% weight=87 blockGap=8 //% shim=micro_bit::scrollString async //% block="show|string %text" icon="\uf031" //% async //% blockId=device_print_message export function showString(text: string, interval: number = 150): void { } /** * Turn off all LEDs */ //% help=basic/clear-screen weight=79 //% shim=micro_bit::clearScreen //% blockId=device_clear_display block="clear screen" icon="\uf12d" export function clearScreen(): void { } /** * Shows a sequence of LED screens as an animation. * @param leds TODO * @param interval TODO */ //% help=basic/show-animation shim=micro_bit::showAnimation imageLiteral=1 async export function showAnimation(leds: string, interval: number = 400): void { } /** * Draws an image on the LED screen. * @param leds TODO */ //% help=basic/plot-leds weight=80 shim=micro_bit::plotLeds imageLiteral=1 export function plotLeds(leds: string): void { } /** * Repeats the code forever in the background. On each iteration, allows other codes to run. * @param body TODO */ //% help=basic/forever weight=55 blockGap=8 //% blockId=device_forever block="forever" icon="\uf01e" shim=micro_bit::forever export function forever(body: () => void): void { } /** * Pause for the specified time in milliseconds * @param ms how long to pause for, eg: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 */ //% help=basic/pause weight=54 //% shim=micro_bit::pause async block="pause (ms) %pause" //% blockId=device_pause icon="\uf110" export function pause(ms: number): void { } }