# bop it challenges a game similar to "Simon Says" with the @boardname@. ## Before we get started Complete the following guided tutorial. Your code should look like this: ```typescript let action = 0; function newAction() {} input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => { if (action == 0) { game.addScore(1); newAction(); } }) input.onGesture(Gesture.LogoDown, function () { if (action == 1) { game.addScore(1); newAction(); } }) input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, () => { if (action == 2) { game.addScore(1); newAction(); } }) input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, () => { basic.showNumber(game.score(), 150); basic.pause(2000); newAction(); }) ``` ## Challenge 1 Now let's add some more types of instructions for the player to follow. Let's add `"PRESS PIN 0"`. Change the global variable `action` to `math.randomRange(0, 3)` so that we can add a new **IF** statement that checks if `action == 3`. If it does, display instructions to press pin 0. ```typescript let action = 0; export function newAction() { action = Math.randomRange(0, 3) if (action == 0) { basic.showString("PUSH A", 150) // *** } if (action == 1) { basic.showString("LOGO DOWN", 150) // *** } if (action == 2) { basic.showString("SHAKE", 150) // *** } if (action == 3) { basic.showString("PRESS PIN 0", 150) // *** } } ``` ## Challenge 2 Now let's implement `PRESS PIN 0` in the main. Create a condition in an `input.onPinPressed` event that, whet pin `P0` is pressed, will add one to the score and then calls the `newAction` function. ```typescript let action = 0; export function newAction() { // ... } input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, () => { basic.showNumber(game.score(), 150) basic.pause(2000) newAction() }) input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, () => { if (action == 3) { game.addScore(1) newAction() } }) ``` ## Challenge 3 Add `POINT ME NORTH` to the list of possible commands.