# Guitar

## @description A beginner-intermediate maker activity, building a guitar with the @boardname@  

## ~avatar avatar

Make a @boardname@ guitar with this guided tutorial!

## ~


## Duration

5 Activities, approx 30-45 min each based on familiarity with the coding concepts

## Materials

* Cardboard large pieces (recycle!)
* Tape (masking, duct tape, and/or packing tape)
* Markers and/or paint
* Aluminum Foil
* Scissors that can cut cardboard
* 1 @boardname@, battery holder and 2 AAA batteries
* 4-5 Crocodile clips
* Headphones

## Activities

* [Making the Guitar Body](/projects/guitar/make)  
* [Buttons, Display & Sound](/projects/guitar/displaybuttons)  
* [Light Sensor Tone control](/projects/guitar/lightsensor)  
* [Accelerometer Beat control](/projects/guitar/accelerometer)  
* [Pin Press Switch](/projects/guitar/pinpress)  

## ~button /projects/guitar/make

Let's get started!

## ~