# Connect ## ~avatar avatar Remote control your Milk Carton Robot with another @boardname@ ## ~ ## Duration: ~30 minutes You will need 2 @boardname@ for this part. By using the radio, we can make the Milk Carton Monster controlled by another @boardname@. Download the code below to the @boardname@ on the Milk Carton Monster and another "controller" @boardname@. Whenever ``A`` is pressed, the Milk Carton Monster will move once. ```blocks radio.onReceivedNumber((receivedNumber) => { pins.servoWritePin(AnalogPin.P0, 0) basic.pause(500) pins.servoWritePin(AnalogPin.P0, 180) basic.pause(500) }) input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => { radio.sendNumber(0) }) ``` ```package radio ```