{ "name": "core", "description": "The microbit core library", "installedVersion": "tsmdvf", "files": [ "README.md", "pxt.cpp", "pxt.h", "pxtbase.h", "pxtcore.h", "math.ts", "dal.d.ts", "enums.d.ts", "shims.d.ts", "pxt-core.d.ts", "core.cpp", "pxt-helpers.ts", "helpers.ts", "codal.cpp", "images.cpp", "basic.cpp", "basic.ts", "icons.ts", "icons.jres", "input.cpp", "input.ts", "gestures.jres", "control.ts", "control.cpp", "game.ts", "led.cpp", "led.ts", "music.ts", "melodies.ts", "pins.cpp", "pins.ts", "serial.cpp", "serial.ts", "buffer.cpp", "pxtparts.json", "parts/speaker.svg", "parts/headphone.svg" ], "public": true, "dependencies": {}, "yotta": { "optionalConfig": { "microbit-dal": { "bluetooth": { "private_addressing": 0, "advertising_timeout": 0, "tx_power": 6, "dfu_service": 1, "event_service": 1, "device_info_service": 1, "eddystone_url": 1, "eddystone_uid": 1, "open": 0, "pairing_mode": 1, "whitelist": 1, "security_level": "SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_NO_MITM", "gatt_table_size": "0x700" } } }, "userConfigs": [ { "description": "No Pairing Required: Anyone can connect via Bluetooth.", "config": { "microbit-dal": { "bluetooth": { "open": 1, "pairing_mode": 0, "whitelist": 0, "security_level": null } } } }, { "description": "JustWorks pairing (default): Pairing is automatic once the pairing is initiated.", "config": { "microbit-dal": { "bluetooth": { "open": null, "pairing_mode": null, "whitelist": null, "security_level": null } } } }, { "description": "Passkey pairing: Pairing requires 6 digit key to pair.", "config": { "microbit-dal": { "bluetooth": { "open": 0, "pairing_mode": 1, "whitelist": 1, "security_level": "SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_WITH_MITM" } } } } ] } }