{ "# open a shell and run these commands pxt extract https:\/\/codethemicrobit.com\/@id@ cd @title@ code .":"# 打开外壳程序并运行这些命令 pxt 提取 https:\/\/codethemicrobit.com\/@id@ cd @title @ 代码。", "). The experience has a built-in progression from simple block-based editor, through in-browser text editor with robust auto-completion and auto-fixing, all the way to a professional integrated development environemnt (":").经历了从简单的基于数据块编辑器中,通过在浏览器中的文本编辑器中鲁棒的自动完成功能和自动修复,一直到一个专业的集成的开发环境 (内置进展", ", or":"或", "\/@id@":"@ 的 \/@id", "\/thumbnail\/1024\/vimeo\/@ARGS@":"@ 的 \/thumbnail\/1024\/vimeo\/@ARGS", "You can share your regular scripts without signing in.<\/b> You only need to sign in if you wish to publish packages (libraries) to be used by others. To sign in, you will need a GitHub account, which is only available to persons 13 and older.":"You 可以共享您定期的脚本无需登录的 in.<\/b>,您只需登录如果您想要发布包 (库),由他人使用。要登录,您需要一个 GitHub 帐户,只是对 13 和年长的人提供。", "@name@ \/@id@":"@ 的 \/@id 的 @name", "@title@ @byuser@":"@ 的 @byuser 的 @title", "About":"关于", "About PXT":"关于 PXT", "Block Editor":"块编辑器", "Build your programming experience":"建立您的编程经验", "CSV":"CSV", "Cancel":"取消", "Click on Close & Load<\/b>.":"单击 Close & Load<\/b>。", "Click on Data<\/b> » New Query<\/b> » From Other Sources<\/b> » From Web<\/b>.":"单击 Data<\/b>» New Query<\/b>» From 其他 Sources<\/b>» From Web<\/b>。", "Compatible with BBC micro:bit<\/b>":"与 BBC 微 ︰ bit<\/b> 兼容", "Contact Us":"联系我们", "Control your Kodu with the micro:bit! You can control character movement using the accelerometer, jump and shoot with a button press, display animations and scrolling text on the screen, interface with other devices through the IO pins, and much more..":"控制你 Kodu 与微 ︰ 位 !你可以控制字符移动使用加速度计、 跳和拍摄按下一个按钮、 显示动画和滚动文本在屏幕上,接口与其他设备通过 IO 引脚,以及更多。", "Create a Blank Workbook<\/b> in Excel 2016":"在 Excel 2016 年创建 Blank Workbook<\/b>", "Do you need help installing the tools?":"你需要安装这些工具的帮助吗?", "Download Kodu!":"下载 Kodu !", "Edit":"编辑", "Edit in":"在中编辑", "Embed":"嵌入", "Enter the following URL and click on Connect<\/b>.":"输入以下 URL,然后单击 Connect<\/b>。", "Extra space for a call to action inside the footer that could help re-engage users.":"行动可以帮助重新接触用户的页脚里面调用的额外空间。", "Follow these instructions!":"按照这些说明进行操作 !", "Footer Header":"页脚页眉", "Get & Transform":"获取与变换", "Get started with a beginner friendly drag&drop code editor.":"入门初学者友好 drag&drop 代码编辑器。", "GitHub":"GitHub", "Group 1":"组 1", "Group 2":"第 2 组", "Group 3":"第 3 组", "Houston, we have a problem.":"休斯顿,我们遇到一个问题。", "I Agree":"我同意", "I consent to my GitHub user name @USERNAME@<\/b> accompanying any library I publish":"我同意我 GitHub 用户名称 : USERNAME@<\/b> 陪同我发布任何图书馆", "I don't agree":"我不同意", "JSON":"JSON", "JavaScript Editor":"JavaScript 编辑器", "Kodu for micro:bit":"Kodu 微 ︰ 钻头", "Learn more":"了解更多信息", "Link Four":"链接四", "Link One":"链接一", "Link Three":"链接三", "Link Two":"将两个链接", "Live data powered by":"实时数据由供电", "Make sure you log out of Facebook, Office 365, Microsoft or Google if you're on a shared computer.":"请确保您登录 Facebook,Office 365,微软或谷歌如果你共享的计算机上。", "OK":"还行", "PXT":"PXT", "PXT - @name@":"PXT-@ 的 @name", "PXT - @title@":"PXT-@ 的 @title", "PXT - Sign in":"PXT-签到", "PXT - Signed out":"PXT-已注销", "PXT targets, including one for the BBC micro:bit, define a set of blocks and JavaScript APIs available to users. Teachers and developers can extend existing targets by publishing packages or libraries with additional blocks and APIs as well as build completely new targets.":"PXT 目标,其中包括 BBC 微︰ 钻头,定义一组的块和 JavaScript Api 提供给用户。教师和开发人员可以扩展现有的目标,通过发布包或其他块与 Api 库,以及生成完全新的目标。", "Powered by PXT":"由 PXT 提供动力", "Privacy & Cookies":"隐私与饼干", "Programming Experience Toolkit":"编程经验工具包", "Programming Experience Toolkit Logo":"编程经验工具包徽标", "Read the docs":"阅读文档", "Report abuse":"报告滥用", "Report sent":"发送报告", "Sample":"示例", "Select Anonymous<\/b> and click Connect<\/b>.":"选择 Anonymous<\/b>,然后单击 Connect<\/b>。", "Show me the sample!":"给我看看样品 !", "Sign in":"登录", "Start coding":"开始编码", "Stream: @name@":"@ 的流 ︰ @name", "Stream: @name@ \/@id@":"@ 的 \/@id 的流 ︰ @name", "Streaming data in Excel 2016":"流数据在 Excel 2016 年", "Submit":"提交", "Targets":"目标", "Terms Of Use":"使用条件", "Thank you for helping keep PXT a friendly place!":"谢谢你帮助保持 PXT 一个友好的地方 !", "The Microsoft Programming Experience Toolkit (PXT) provides a programming experience based around JavaScript (technically, a subset of":"微软编程经验工具包 (PXT) 提供围绕 (从技术上讲,一个子集的 JavaScript 编程经验", "The content below is provided by a PXT user, and is not endorsed by Microsoft. If you think it's not appropriate, please":"下面的内容由 PXT 用户,并不赞同由微软。如果你认为它是不适当的请", "The data stored in this stream can easily be imported into an Excel 2016 spreadsheet using":"存储在此流中的数据很容易可以导入到 Excel 2016 电子表格使用", "Trademarks":"商标", "TypeScript":"打字稿", "URL":"URL", "Upgrade to JavaScript thanks to our rich text editor with contextual help, background checks and auto-completion.":"由于我们的富文本编辑器上下文帮助、 背景调查和自动完成升级到 JavaScript。", "Use PXT to provide a smooth coding experience for your project, in blocks and JavaScript. Build the APIs and the runtime and we will take care of the editor stuff.":"使用 PXT 为您的项目,在块和 JavaScript 提供平滑的编码经验。生成的 Api 和运行时,我们会照顾的编辑器的东西。", "User-provided content":"用户提供的内容", "Visual Studio Code":"Visual Studio 代码", "We collect your GitHub user name and will display it together with your libraries.":"我们收集您 GitHub 的用户名,并将显示它与您的库。", "We'll use your GitHub user name":"我们将使用您 GitHub 的用户名", "Why do you find it offensive?":"为什么你觉得它进攻?", "You are now signed out from Programming Experience Toolkit":"现在注销从编程体验工具包", "You can go back to":"你可以回到", "You can still create scripts and":"您仍然可以创建脚本和", "code the micro:bit":"微 ︰ 位代码", "contact us":"联系我们", "explore PXT":"探讨 PXT", "https:\/\/img.youtube.com\/vi\/@ARGS@\/hqdefault.jpg":"https:\/\/img.youtube.com\/vi\/@ARGS@\/hqdefault.jpg", "micro:bit":"微 ︰ 位", "or":"或", "pxt.io":"pxt.io", "report abuse":"报告滥用", "search docs...":"搜索文档...", "sign in again":"重新登录", "to save scripts to all your devices.":"将脚本保存到您的设备。", "tutorial":"教程", "view":"视图", "© 2016 Microsoft":"© 2016年微软" }