# Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code is a Free Open Source code editor that you can use to edit your programs. Working from Visual Studio code allows you to benefit from all the features of a professional IDE while working with PXT: working with files, git integration (or source control of your choice), hundreds of extensions. ![](https://code.visualstudio.com/home/home-screenshot-win-lg.png) ## Setup Follow these instructions to setup your machine and edit your programs in Visual Studio Code. * install [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) * install [Node.JS](https://nodejs.org/en/) * install the PXT Tools (on Mac or Linux, you might have to add ``sudo`` to the command). ``` pxt install -g pxt ``` * create a folder for your projects ``` mkdir microbit ``` * install the microbit target ``` pxt target microbit ``` That's it! You are ready to create new projects in code or open existing projects. ## Creating a new project Open a shell to your ``microbit`` folder. ``` # create a new subfolder for your project mkdir myproject cd myproject # start the project set pxt init # open code code . ``` ## Opening an existing project You can extract a project from the embedded URL or .hex file. Open a shell to your projects folder ``` # extract the project from the URL pxt extract EMBEDURL ``` where ``EMBEDURL`` is the published project URL.