# @extends ## #promo ### ~ hint Looking to help translate the site for **[microbit.org](http://microbit.org)**? Try http://translate.microbit.org/ to help the Microbit Foundation! ### ~ ## #target-files The following lists provide a guide to which translation files and folders relate to the **MakeCode for @boardname@** editor. The links here are to the [English](https://crowdin.com/project/kindscript/en#) source files just to show you the location of the files in the folder structure. Of course, you will translate in your selected language instead. ### Editor Files related to the editor: * [strings.json](https://crowdin.com/project/kindscript/32/en-en) - Strings common and shared by all MakeCode editors * [target-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/project/kindscript/1922/en-en) - Strings custom to the @boardname@ editor interface This is an example of the editor with it's interface elements localized: ![Translated editor elements](/static/mb/translate/target-strings.jpg) ### Blocks * [core-jsdoc-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/66/en-en) - Description text for code elements of the [basic](/reference/basic) and core [blocks](/blocks) * [core-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/65/en-en) - Display text for the [basic](/reference/basic) and core [blocks](/reference/blocks) * [radio-jsdoc-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/64/en-en) - Description text for code elements of the [radio](/reference/radio) blocks * [radio-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/63/en-en) - Display text for the [radio](/reference/radio) blocks * [devices-jsdoc-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/62/en-en) - Description text for code elements of the [devices](/reference/devices) blocks * [devices-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/61/en-en) - Display text for the [devices](/reference/devices) blocks * [radio-broadcast-jsdoc-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/5032/en-en) - Description text for code elements of the radio broadcast blocks * [radio-broadcast-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/5030/en-en) - Display text for the radio broadcast blocks * [servo-jsdoc-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/5036/en-en) - Description text for code elements of the [servo](/reference/servos) blocks * [servo-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/5034/en-ens) - Display text for the [servo](/reference/servos) blocks * [bluetooth-jsdoc-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/60/en-en) - Description text for code elements of the [bluetooth](/reference/bluetooth) blocks * [bluetooth-strings.json](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/59/en-en) - Display text for the [bluetooth](/reference/bluetooth) blocks Here are some translated blocks: ![Translated block text](/static/mb/translate/block-text.jpg) ### Document pages * [docs](https://crowdin.com/translate/kindscript/en#/microbit/docs) - Documentation pages for projects, courses, lessons, and code block reference Here's an example of a translated document page for a course lesson: ![Translated document page](/static/mb/translate/doc-page.jpg)