enum DigitalPin { //% enumval=uBit.io.P0 P0, //% enumval=uBit.io.P1 P1, //% enumval=uBit.io.P2 P2, //% enumval=uBit.io.P3 P3, //% enumval=uBit.io.P4 P4, //% enumval=uBit.io.P5 P5, //% enumval=uBit.io.P6 P6, //% enumval=uBit.io.P7 P7, //% enumval=uBit.io.P8 P8, //% enumval=uBit.io.P9 P9, //% enumval=uBit.io.P10 P10, //% enumval=uBit.io.P11 P11, //% enumval=uBit.io.P12 P12, //% enumval=uBit.io.P13 P13, //% enumval=uBit.io.P14 P14, //% enumval=uBit.io.P15 P15, //% enumval=uBit.io.P16 P16, //% enumval=uBit.io.P19 P19, //% enumval=uBit.io.P20 P20, } enum AnalogPin { //% enumval=uBit.io.P0 P0, //% enumval=uBit.io.P1 P1, //% enumval=uBit.io.P2 P2, //% enumval=uBit.io.P3 P3, //% enumval=uBit.io.P4 P4, //% enumval=uBit.io.P10 P10, } //% color=351 weight=30 namespace pins { /** * Read the specified pin or connector as either 0 or 1 * @param name pin to read from */ //% help=pins/digital-read-pin weight=30 shim=micro_bit::digitalReadPin //% blockId=device_get_digital_pin block="digital read|pin %name" blockGap=8 export function digitalReadPin(name: DigitalPin): number { return 0; } /** * Set a pin or connector value to either 0 or 1. * @param name pin to write to * @param value value to set on the pin, eg: 1,0 */ //% help=pins/digital-write-pin weight=29 shim=micro_bit::digitalWritePin //% blockId=device_set_digital_pin block="digital write|pin %name|to %value" export function digitalWritePin(name: DigitalPin, value: number): void { } /** * Read the connector value as analog, that is, as a value comprised between 0 and 1023. * @param name pin to write to */ //% help=pins/analog-read-pin weight=25 shim=micro_bit::analogReadPin //% blockId=device_get_analog_pin block="analog read|pin %name" blockGap="8" export function analogReadPin(name: AnalogPin): number { return 0; } /** * Set the connector value as analog. Value must be comprised between 0 and 1023. * @param name pin name to write to * @param value value to write to the pin between ``0`` and ``1023``. eg:1023,0 */ //% help=pins/analog-write-pin weight=24 shim=micro_bit::analogWritePin //% blockId=device_set_analog_pin block="analog write|pin %name|to %value" blockGap=8 export function analogWritePin(name: AnalogPin, value: number): void { } /** * Configures the Pulse-width modulation (PWM) of the analog output to the given value in **microseconds** or `1/1000` milliseconds. * If this pin is not configured as an analog output (using `analog write pin`), the operation has no effect. * @param pin analog pin to set period to * @param micros period in micro seconds. eg:20000 */ //% shim=micro_bit::setAnalogPeriodUs help=pins/analog-set-period weight=23 //% blockId=device_set_analog_period block="analog set period|pin %pin|to (µs)%micros" export function analogSetPeriod(pin: AnalogPin, micros: number): void { } /** * Writes a value to the servo, controlling the shaft accordingly. On a standard servo, this will set the angle of the shaft (in degrees), moving the shaft to that orientation. On a continuous rotation servo, this will set the speed of the servo (with ``0`` being full-speed in one direction, ``180`` being full speed in the other, and a value near ``90`` being no movement). * @param name pin to write to * @param value angle or rotation speed, eg:180,90,0 */ //% help=pins/servo-write-pin weight=20 shim=micro_bit::servoWritePin //% blockId=device_set_servo_pin block="servo write|pin %name|to %value" blockGap=8 export function servoWritePin(name: AnalogPin, value: number): void { } /** * Configures this IO pin as an analog/pwm output, configures the period to be 20 ms, and sets the pulse width, based on the value it is given **microseconds** or `1/1000` milliseconds. * @param pin pin name * @param micros pulse duration in micro seconds, eg:1500 */ //% shim=micro_bit::setServoPulseUs help=pins/serial-set-pulse weight=19 //% blockId=device_set_servo_pulse block="servo set pulse|pin %value|to (µs) %micros" export function servoSetPulse(pin: AnalogPin, micros: number): void { } /** * Re-maps a number from one range to another. That is, a value of ``from low`` would get mapped to ``to low``, a value of ``from high`` to ``to high``, values in-between to values in-between, etc. * @param value value to map in ranges * @param fromLow the lower bound of the value's current range * @param fromHigh the upper bound of the value's current range, eg: 1023 * @param toLow the lower bound of the value's target range * @param toHigh the upper bound of the value's target range, eg: 4 */ //% help=pins/map weight=15 //% blockId=math_map block="map %value|from low %fromLow|from high %fromHigh|to low %toLow|to high %toHigh" export function map(value: number, fromLow: number, fromHigh: number, toLow: number, toHigh: number): number { return ((value - fromLow) * (toHigh - toLow)) / (fromHigh - fromLow) + toLow; } /** * Sets the pin used when using `pins->analog pitch`. * @param name TODO */ //% shim=micro_bit::enablePitch help=pins/analog-set-pitch weight=12 export function analogSetPitchPin(name: AnalogPin): void { } /** * Emits a Pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal to the current pitch pin. Use `analog set pitch pin` to define the pitch pin. * @param frequency TODO * @param ms TODO */ //% shim=micro_bit::pitch help=pins/analog-pitch weight=14 async export function analogPitch(frequency: number, ms: number): void { } }