# night light activity

Change the brightness of the micro:bit.

### ~avatar avatar

### @video td/videos/night-light-0

Welcome! This tutorial will teach you how to change the brightness of the micro:bit. Let's get started!

### ~

The brightness of the LED screen can be changed by using the `set brightness` function. This function takes a number between ``0`` (off) and ``255`` (full brightness).

Let's build a little app that dims the screen when pressing button ``A``.

Add the code `show LEDs` and select all LEDs to turn on all the LEDs. Don't hesitate to run your code to see what happens.

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The screen starts with a 50% brightness value by default (128). Add a new line of code to set the full brightness (255) using `set brightness`.

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Add a new event handler for `on button pressed(A)` and add the code to set the brightness to `64`.

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input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => {


### ~avatar boothing

Excellent, you're ready to continue with the [challenges](/microbit/lessons/night-light/challenges)!

### ~