enum Note { //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=262 C = 262, //% block=C# //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=277 CSharp = 277, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=294 D = 294, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=311 Eb = 311, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=330 E = 330, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=349 F = 349, //% block=F# //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=370 FSharp = 370, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=392 G = 392, //% block=G# //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=415 GSharp = 415, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=440 A = 440, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=466 Bb = 466, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=494 B = 494, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=131 C3 = 131, //% block=C#3 //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=139 CSharp3 = 139, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=147 D3 = 147, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=156 Eb3 = 156, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=165 E3 = 165, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=175 F3 = 175, //% block=F#3 //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=185 FSharp3 = 185, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=196 G3 = 196, //% block=G#3 //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=208 GSharp3 = 208, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=220 A3 = 220, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=233 Bb3 = 233, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=247 B3 = 247, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=262 C4 = 262, //% block=C#4 //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=277 CSharp4 = 277, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=294 D4 = 294, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=311 Eb4 = 311, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=330 E4 = 330, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=349 F4 = 349, //% block=F#4 //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=370 FSharp4 = 370, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=392 G4 = 392, //% block=G#4 //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=415 GSharp4 = 415, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=440 A4 = 440, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=466 Bb4 = 466, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=494 B4 = 494, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=523 C5 = 523, //% block=C#5 //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=555 CSharp5 = 555, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=587 D5 = 587, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=622 Eb5 = 622, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=659 E5 = 659, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=698 F5 = 698, //% block=F#5 //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=740 FSharp5 = 740, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=784 G5 = 784, //% block=G#5 //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=831 GSharp5 = 831, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=880 A5 = 880, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=932 Bb5 = 932, //% blockIdentity=music.noteFrequency enumval=988 B5 = 988, } enum BeatFraction { //% block=1 Whole = 1, //% block="1/2" Half = 2, //% block="1/4" Quarter = 4, //% block="1/8" Eighth = 8, //% block="1/16" Sixteenth = 16, //% block="2" Double = 32, //% block="4", Breve = 64 } enum MelodyOptions { //% block="once" Once = 1, //% block="forever" Forever = 2, //% block="once in background" OnceInBackground = 4, //% block="forever in background" ForeverInBackground = 8 } enum MelodyStopOptions { //% block="all" All = MelodyOptions.Once | MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground, //% block="foreground" Foreground = MelodyOptions.Once, //% block="background" Background = MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground } enum MusicEvent { //% block="melody note played" MelodyNotePlayed = 1, //% block="melody started" MelodyStarted = 2, //% block="melody ended" MelodyEnded = 3, //% block="melody repeated" MelodyRepeated = 4, //% block="background melody note played" BackgroundMelodyNotePlayed = MelodyNotePlayed | 0xf0, //% block="background melody started" BackgroundMelodyStarted = MelodyStarted | 0xf0, //% block="background melody ended" BackgroundMelodyEnded = MelodyEnded | 0xf0, //% block="background melody repeated" BackgroundMelodyRepeated = MelodyRepeated | 0xf0, //% block="background melody paused" BackgroundMelodyPaused = 5 | 0xf0, //% block="background melody resumed" BackgroundMelodyResumed = 6 | 0xf0 } /** * Generation of music tones. */ //% color=#DF4600 weight=98 icon="\uf025" //% groups='["Melody", "Tone", "Volume", "Tempo", "Melody Advanced"]' namespace music { const INTERNAL_MELODY_ENDED = 5; let beatsPerMinute: number = 120; //% whenUsed const freqs = hex` 1f00210023002500270029002c002e003100340037003a003e004100450049004e00520057005c00620068006e00 75007b0083008b0093009c00a500af00b900c400d000dc00e900f70006011501260137014a015d01720188019f01 b801d201ee010b022a024b026e029302ba02e40210033f037003a403dc03170455049704dd0427057505c8052006 7d06e0064907b8072d08a9082d09b9094d0aea0a900b400cfa0cc00d910e6f0f5a1053115b1272139a14d4152017 8018f519801b231dde1e`; let _playTone: (frequency: number, duration: number) => void; const MICROBIT_MELODY_ID = 2000; /** * Plays a tone through pin ``P0`` for the given duration. * @param frequency pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C * @param ms tone duration in milliseconds (ms) */ //% help=music/play-tone weight=90 //% blockId=device_play_note block="play|tone %note=device_note|for %duration=device_beat" blockGap=8 //% parts="speaker" //% useEnumVal=1 //% group="Tone" export function playTone(frequency: number, ms: number): void { if (_playTone) _playTone(frequency, ms); else pins.analogPitch(frequency, ms); } /** * Plays a tone through pin ``P0``. * @param frequency pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C */ //% help=music/ring-tone weight=80 //% blockId=device_ring block="ring tone (Hz)|%note=device_note" blockGap=8 //% parts="speaker" //% useEnumVal=1 //% group="Tone" export function ringTone(frequency: number): void { playTone(frequency, 0); } /** * Rests (plays nothing) for a specified time through pin ``P0``. * @param ms rest duration in milliseconds (ms) */ //% help=music/rest weight=79 //% blockId=device_rest block="rest(ms)|%duration=device_beat" //% parts="speaker" //% group="Tone" export function rest(ms: number): void { playTone(0, ms); } /** * Gets the frequency of a note. * @param name the note name */ //% weight=50 help=music/note-frequency //% blockId=device_note block="%name" //% shim=TD_ID color="#FFFFFF" colorSecondary="#FFFFFF" //% name.fieldEditor="note" name.defl="262" //% name.fieldOptions.decompileLiterals=true //% useEnumVal=1 //% group="Tone" //% blockGap=8 export function noteFrequency(name: Note): number { return name; } function init() { if (beatsPerMinute <= 0) beatsPerMinute = 120; } /** * Returns the duration of a beat in milli-seconds */ //% help=music/beat weight=49 //% blockId=device_beat block="%fraction|beat" //% group="Tempo" //% blockGap=8 export function beat(fraction?: BeatFraction): number { init(); if (fraction == null) fraction = BeatFraction.Whole; let beat = Math.idiv(60000, beatsPerMinute); switch (fraction) { case BeatFraction.Half: return beat >> 1; case BeatFraction.Quarter: return beat >> 2; case BeatFraction.Eighth: return beat >> 3; case BeatFraction.Sixteenth: return beat >> 4; case BeatFraction.Double: return beat << 1; case BeatFraction.Breve: return beat << 2; default: return beat; } } /** * Returns the tempo in beats per minute. Tempo is the speed (bpm = beats per minute) at which notes play. The larger the tempo value, the faster the notes will play. */ //% help=music/tempo weight=40 //% blockId=device_tempo block="tempo (bpm)" blockGap=8 //% group="Tempo" export function tempo(): number { init(); return beatsPerMinute; } /** * Change the tempo by the specified amount * @param bpm The change in beats per minute to the tempo, eg: 20 */ //% help=music/change-tempo-by weight=39 //% blockId=device_change_tempo block="change tempo by (bpm)|%value" blockGap=8 //% group="Tempo" export function changeTempoBy(bpm: number): void { init(); setTempo(beatsPerMinute + bpm); } /** * Sets the tempo to the specified amount * @param bpm The new tempo in beats per minute, eg: 120 */ //% help=music/set-tempo weight=38 //% blockId=device_set_tempo block="set tempo to (bpm)|%value" //% bpm.min=4 bpm.max=400 //% group="Tempo" export function setTempo(bpm: number): void { init(); if (bpm > 0) { beatsPerMinute = Math.max(1, bpm); } } let currentMelody: Melody; let currentBackgroundMelody: Melody; /** * Gets the melody array of a built-in melody. * @param name the note name, eg: Note.C */ //% weight=50 help=music/builtin-melody //% blockId=device_builtin_melody block="%melody" //% blockHidden=true //% group="Melody Advanced" export function builtInMelody(melody: Melodies): string[] { return getMelody(melody); } /** * Registers code to run on various melody events */ //% blockId=melody_on_event block="music on %value" //% help=music/on-event weight=59 blockGap=32 //% group="Melody Advanced" export function onEvent(value: MusicEvent, handler: () => void) { control.onEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, value, handler); } /** * Use startMelody instead */ //% hidden=1 deprecated=1 //% parts="speaker" //% group="Melody Advanced" export function beginMelody(melodyArray: string[], options: MelodyOptions = 1) { return startMelody(melodyArray, options); } /** * Starts playing a melody. * Notes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration] * @param melodyArray the melody array to play * @param options melody options, once / forever, in the foreground / background */ //% help=music/begin-melody weight=60 blockGap=16 //% blockId=device_start_melody block="start melody %melody=device_builtin_melody| repeating %options" //% parts="speaker" //% group="Melody Advanced" export function startMelody(melodyArray: string[], options: MelodyOptions = 1) { init(); if (currentMelody != undefined) { if (((options & MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground) == 0) && ((options & MelodyOptions.ForeverInBackground) == 0) && currentMelody.background) { currentBackgroundMelody = currentMelody; currentMelody = null; control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyPaused); } if (currentMelody) control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, currentMelody.background ? MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyEnded : MusicEvent.MelodyEnded); currentMelody = new Melody(melodyArray, options); control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, currentMelody.background ? MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyStarted : MusicEvent.MelodyStarted); } else { currentMelody = new Melody(melodyArray, options); control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, currentMelody.background ? MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyStarted : MusicEvent.MelodyStarted); // Only start the fiber once control.inBackground(() => { while (currentMelody.hasNextNote()) { playNextNote(currentMelody); if (!currentMelody.hasNextNote() && currentBackgroundMelody) { // Swap the background melody back currentMelody = currentBackgroundMelody; currentBackgroundMelody = null; control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, MusicEvent.MelodyEnded); control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyResumed); control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, INTERNAL_MELODY_ENDED); } } control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, currentMelody.background ? MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyEnded : MusicEvent.MelodyEnded); if (!currentMelody.background) control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, INTERNAL_MELODY_ENDED); currentMelody = null; }) } } /** * Play a melody from the melody editor. * @param melody - string of up to eight notes [C D E F G A B C5] or rests [-] separated by spaces, which will be played one at a time, ex: "E D G F B A C5 B " * @param tempo - number in beats per minute (bpm), dictating how long each note will play for */ //% block="play melody $melody at tempo $tempo|(bpm)" blockId=playMelody //% weight=85 blockGap=8 help=music/play-melody //% melody.shadow="melody_editor" //% tempo.min=40 tempo.max=500 //% tempo.defl=120 //% parts=speaker //% group="Melody" export function playMelody(melody: string, tempo: number) { melody = melody || ""; setTempo(tempo); let notes: string[] = melody.split(" ").filter(n => !!n); let newOctave = false; // build melody string, replace '-' with 'R' and add tempo // creates format like "C5-174 B4 A G F E D C " for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { if (notes[i] === "-") { notes[i] = "R"; } else if (notes[i] === "C5") { newOctave = true; } else if (newOctave) { // change the octave if necesary notes[i] += "4"; newOctave = false; } } music.startMelody(notes, MelodyOptions.Once) control.waitForEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, INTERNAL_MELODY_ENDED); } /** * Create a melody with the melody editor. * @param melody */ //% block="$melody" blockId=melody_editor //% blockHidden = true //% weight=85 blockGap=8 //% duplicateShadowOnDrag //% melody.fieldEditor="melody" //% melody.fieldOptions.decompileLiterals=true //% melody.fieldOptions.decompileIndirectFixedInstances="true" //% melody.fieldOptions.onParentBlock="true" //% shim=TD_ID //% group="Melody" export function melodyEditor(melody: string): string { return melody; } /** * Stops the melodies * @param options which melody to stop */ //% help=music/stop-melody weight=59 blockGap=16 //% blockId=device_stop_melody block="stop melody $options" //% parts="speaker" //% group="Melody Advanced" export function stopMelody(options: MelodyStopOptions) { if (options & MelodyStopOptions.Background) startMelody([], MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground); if (options & MelodyStopOptions.Foreground) startMelody([], MelodyOptions.Once); } /** * Sets a custom playTone function for playing melodies */ //% help=music/set-play-tone //% advanced=true //% group="Tone" export function setPlayTone(f: (frequency: number, duration: number) => void) { _playTone = f; } /** * Set the default output volume of the sound synthesizer. * @param volume the volume 0...255 */ //% blockId=synth_set_volume block="set volume %volume" //% parts="speaker" //% volume.min=0 volume.max=255 //% volume.defl=127 //% help=music/set-volume //% weight=70 //% group="Volume" export function setVolume(volume: number): void { pins.analogSetPitchVolume(volume); } /** * Returns the current output volume of the sound synthesizer. */ //% blockId=synth_get_volume block="volume" //% parts="speaker" //% help=music/volume //% weight=69 //% group="Volume" export function volume(): number { return pins.analogPitchVolume(); } function playNextNote(melody: Melody): void { // cache elements let currNote = melody.nextNote(); let currentPos = melody.currentPos; let currentDuration = melody.currentDuration; let currentOctave = melody.currentOctave; let note: number; let isrest: boolean = false; let beatPos: number; let parsingOctave: boolean = true; let prevNote: boolean = false; for (let pos = 0; pos < currNote.length; pos++) { let noteChar = currNote.charAt(pos); switch (noteChar) { case 'c': case 'C': note = 1; prevNote = true; break; case 'd': case 'D': note = 3; prevNote = true; break; case 'e': case 'E': note = 5; prevNote = true; break; case 'f': case 'F': note = 6; prevNote = true; break; case 'g': case 'G': note = 8; prevNote = true; break; case 'a': case 'A': note = 10; prevNote = true; break; case 'B': note = 12; prevNote = true; break; case 'r': case 'R': isrest = true; prevNote = false; break; case '#': note++; prevNote = false; break; case 'b': if (prevNote) note--; else { note = 12; prevNote = true; } break; case ':': parsingOctave = false; beatPos = pos; prevNote = false; break; default: prevNote = false; if (parsingOctave) currentOctave = parseInt(noteChar); } } if (!parsingOctave) { currentDuration = parseInt(currNote.substr(beatPos + 1, currNote.length - beatPos)); } let beat = Math.idiv(60000, beatsPerMinute) >> 2; if (isrest) { music.rest(currentDuration * beat) } else { let keyNumber = note + (12 * (currentOctave - 1)); let frequency = freqs.getNumber(NumberFormat.UInt16LE, keyNumber * 2) || 0; music.playTone(frequency, currentDuration * beat); } melody.currentDuration = currentDuration; melody.currentOctave = currentOctave; const repeating = melody.repeating && currentPos == melody.melodyArray.length - 1; melody.currentPos = repeating ? 0 : currentPos + 1; control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, melody.background ? MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyNotePlayed : MusicEvent.MelodyNotePlayed); if (repeating) control.raiseEvent(MICROBIT_MELODY_ID, melody.background ? MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyRepeated : MusicEvent.MelodyRepeated); } class Melody { public melodyArray: string[]; public currentDuration: number; public currentOctave: number; public currentPos: number; public repeating: boolean; public background: boolean; constructor(melodyArray: string[], options: MelodyOptions) { this.melodyArray = melodyArray; this.repeating = ((options & MelodyOptions.Forever) != 0); this.repeating = this.repeating ? true : ((options & MelodyOptions.ForeverInBackground) != 0) this.background = ((options & MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground) != 0); this.background = this.background ? true : ((options & MelodyOptions.ForeverInBackground) != 0); this.currentDuration = 4; //Default duration (Crotchet) this.currentOctave = 4; //Middle octave this.currentPos = 0; } hasNextNote() { return this.repeating || this.currentPos < this.melodyArray.length; } nextNote(): string { const currentNote = this.melodyArray[this.currentPos]; return currentNote; } } }