# Overview ## Science Concept ### The Nervous System Communicates with Muscles through Electrical Waves Electrical impulses from the brain to the muscles can be observed, measured, and recorded as waves to show that there is a relationship between the circulatory, respiratory, muscular, and nervous systems of the human body. #### Sample micro:bit body electrical data graph  ## Project Goal Give students real world experience with coding, collecting data, analyzing data, and reporting results using [MakeCode’s](https://makecode.com) block programming and a [micro:bit](http://microbit.org) with its sensors. ## Prior Knowledge Students need to have a basic knowledge of how to code using block style programming (micro:bit using the Windows 10 MakeCode app) and download a program to a @boardname@. ## Student Outcomes Students will: * Create experiments to collect data using @boardname@s and measure voltage in the human body. * Setup different experiments to observe the bodies electrical effect. * Code the @boardname@s to collect data remotely over the @boardname@ radios. * Analyze the data collected. * Report on the findings of the experiments. ## Materials Needed * 2 @boardname@s with batteries connected  * A longer USB microbit cable * Spreadsheet for data analysis * 2 long (36-48” or 100-130 cm) thin wires for electrical body sensors (wire from an old network cable works quite well). * Painters tape to tape the wires to the skin on the body. <br/> | | | | |-|-|-| | Adapted from "[Body Electrical & Waves](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KofuOt0v1lmQhQyJux1XWDVoCDeslcjDFysjStFmo1w)" by [C Lyman](http://utahcoding.org) | | [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) |