/// /// /// namespace pxsim.visuals { const svg = pxsim.svg; export interface IBoardSvgProps { runtime: pxsim.Runtime; boardDef: BoardDefinition; disableTilt?: boolean; activeComponents: string[]; fnArgs?: any; componentDefinitions: Map; } export const VIEW_WIDTH = 498; export const VIEW_HEIGHT = 725; const TOP_MARGIN = 20; const MID_MARGIN = 40; const BOT_MARGIN = 20; const PIN_LBL_SIZE = PIN_DIST * 0.7; const PIN_LBL_HOVER_SIZE = PIN_LBL_SIZE * 1.5; const SQUARE_PIN_WIDTH = PIN_DIST * 0.66666; const SQUARE_PIN_HOVER_WIDTH = PIN_DIST * 0.66666 + PIN_DIST / 3.0; export type ComputedBoardDimensions = { scaleFn: (n: number) => number, height: number, width: number, xOff: number, yOff: number }; export function getBoardDimensions(vis: BoardImageDefinition): ComputedBoardDimensions { let scaleFn = (n: number) => n * (PIN_DIST / vis.pinDist); let width = scaleFn(vis.width); return { scaleFn: scaleFn, height: scaleFn(vis.height), width: width, xOff: (VIEW_WIDTH - width) / 2.0, yOff: TOP_MARGIN } } export const BOARD_SYTLE = ` .noselect { -webkit-touch-callout: none; /* iOS Safari */ -webkit-user-select: none; /* Chrome/Safari/Opera */ -khtml-user-select: none; /* Konqueror */ -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */ -ms-user-select: none; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */ user-select: none; /* Non-prefixed version, currently not supported by any browser */ } svg.sim.grayscale { -moz-filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); filter: grayscale(1); } .sim-text { font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace; font-size:25px; fill:#fff; pointer-events: none; } /* animations */ .sim-theme-glow { animation-name: sim-theme-glow-animation; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-direction: alternate; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: 1.25s; } @keyframes sim-theme-glow-animation { from { opacity: 1; } to { opacity: 0.75; } } .sim-flash { animation-name: sim-flash-animation; animation-duration: 0.1s; } @keyframes sim-flash-animation { from { fill: yellow; } to { fill: default; } } .sim-flash-stroke { animation-name: sim-flash-stroke-animation; animation-duration: 0.4s; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } @keyframes sim-flash-stroke-animation { from { stroke: yellow; } to { stroke: default; } } .sim-board-pin { fill:#999; stroke:#000; stroke-width:${PIN_DIST / 3.0}px; } .sim-board-pin-lbl { fill: #333; } .gray-cover { fill:#FFF; opacity: 0.7; stroke-width:0; visibility: hidden; } .sim-board-pin-hover { visibility: hidden; pointer-events: all; stroke-width:${PIN_DIST / 6.0}px; } .sim-board-pin-hover:hover { visibility: visible; } .sim-board-pin-lbl { visibility: hidden; } .sim-board-outline .sim-board-pin-lbl { visibility: visible; } .sim-board-pin-lbl { fill: #555; } .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover { fill: red; } .sim-board-outline .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover { fill: black; } .sim-board-pin-lbl, .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover { font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace; pointer-events: all; stroke-width: 0; } .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover { visibility: hidden; } .sim-board-outline .sim-board-pin-hover:hover + .sim-board-pin-lbl, .sim-board-pin-lbl.highlight { visibility: hidden; } .sim-board-outline .sim-board-pin-hover:hover + * + .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover, .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover.highlight { visibility: visible; } /* Graying out */ .grayed .sim-board-pin-lbl:not(.highlight) { fill: #AAA; } .grayed .sim-board-pin:not(.highlight) { fill:#BBB; stroke:#777; } .grayed .gray-cover { visibility: inherit; } .grayed .sim-cmp:not(.notgrayed) { opacity: 0.3; } /* Highlighting */ .sim-board-pin-lbl.highlight { fill: #000; font-weight: bold; } .sim-board-pin.highlight { fill:#999; stroke:#000; } `; let nextBoardId = 0; export class GenericBoardSvg /*TODO: implements BoardView*/ { public hostElement: SVGSVGElement; private style: SVGStyleElement; private defs: SVGDefsElement; private g: SVGGElement; public board: pxsim.DalBoard; public background: SVGElement; private components: IBoardComponent[]; public breadboard: Breadboard; private underboard: SVGGElement; public boardDef: BoardDefinition; private boardDim: ComputedBoardDimensions; public componentDefs: Map; private boardEdges: number[]; private id: number; public bbX: number; public bbY: number; private boardTopEdge: number; private boardBotEdge: number; private wireFactory: WireFactory; //truth private allPins: GridPin[] = []; private allLabels: GridLabel[] = []; //cache private pinNmToLbl: Map = {}; private pinNmToPin: Map = {}; constructor(public props: IBoardSvgProps) { this.id = nextBoardId++; this.boardDef = props.boardDef; this.boardDim = getBoardDimensions(this.boardDef.visual); this.board = this.props.runtime.board as pxsim.DalBoard; this.board.updateView = () => this.updateState(); this.hostElement = svg.elt("svg") svg.hydrate(this.hostElement, { "version": "1.0", "viewBox": `0 0 ${VIEW_WIDTH} ${VIEW_HEIGHT}`, "enable-background": `new 0 0 ${VIEW_WIDTH} ${VIEW_HEIGHT}`, "class": `sim sim-board-id-${this.id}`, "x": "0px", "y": "0px" }); this.style = svg.child(this.hostElement, "style", {}); this.style.textContent += BOARD_SYTLE; this.defs = svg.child(this.hostElement, "defs", {}); this.g = svg.elt("g"); this.hostElement.appendChild(this.g); this.underboard = svg.child(this.g, "g", {class: "sim-underboard"}); this.components = []; this.componentDefs = props.componentDefinitions; // breadboard this.breadboard = new Breadboard() this.g.appendChild(this.breadboard.bb); let bbSize = this.breadboard.getSVGAndSize(); let [bbWidth, bbHeight] = [bbSize.w, bbSize.h]; const bbX = (VIEW_WIDTH - bbWidth) / 2; this.bbX = bbX; const bbY = TOP_MARGIN + this.boardDim.height + MID_MARGIN; this.bbY = bbY; this.breadboard.updateLocation(bbX, bbY); // edges this.boardTopEdge = TOP_MARGIN; this.boardBotEdge = TOP_MARGIN + this.boardDim.height; this.boardEdges = [this.boardTopEdge, this.boardBotEdge, bbY, bbY + bbHeight] this.wireFactory = new WireFactory(this.underboard, this.g, this.boardEdges, this.style, this.getLocCoord.bind(this)); this.buildDom(); this.updateTheme(); this.updateState(); let cmps = props.activeComponents; if (cmps.length) { let allocRes = allocateDefinitions({ boardDef: this.boardDef, cmpDefs: this.componentDefs, fnArgs: this.props.fnArgs, getBBCoord: this.getBBCoord.bind(this), cmpList: props.activeComponents, }); this.addAll(allocRes); } } private getBoardPinCoord(pinNm: string): Coord { let pin = this.pinNmToPin[pinNm]; if (!pin) return null; return [pin.cx, pin.cy]; } private getBBCoord(rowCol: BBRowCol): Coord { let bbCoord = this.breadboard.getCoord(rowCol); if (!bbCoord) return null; let [x, y] = bbCoord; return [x + this.bbX, y + this.bbY]; } public getLocCoord(loc: Loc): Coord { let coord: Coord; if (loc.type === "breadboard") { let rowCol = (loc).rowCol; coord = this.getBBCoord(rowCol); } else { let pinNm = (loc).pin; coord = this.getBoardPinCoord(pinNm); } if (!coord) { console.error("Unknown location: " + name) return [0, 0]; } return coord; } private mkGrayCover(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) { let rect = svg.elt("rect"); svg.hydrate(rect, {x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, class: "gray-cover"}); return rect; } private getCmpClass = (type: string) => `sim-${type}-cmp`; public addWire(inst: WireInst): Wire { return this.wireFactory.addWire(inst.start, inst.end, inst.color); } public addAll(basicWiresAndCmpsAndWires: AllocatorResult) { let {powerWires, components} = basicWiresAndCmpsAndWires; powerWires.forEach(w => this.addWire(w)); components.forEach((cAndWs, idx) => { let {component, wires} = cAndWs; wires.forEach(w => this.addWire(w)); this.addComponent(component); }); } public addComponent(cmpDesc: CmpInst): IBoardComponent { let cmp: IBoardComponent = null; if (typeof cmpDesc.visual === "string") { let builtinVisual = cmpDesc.visual as string; let cnstr = builtinComponentSimVisual[builtinVisual]; let stateFn = builtinComponentSimState[builtinVisual]; let state = stateFn(this.board); cmp = cnstr(); cmp.init(this.board.bus, state, this.hostElement, cmpDesc.microbitPins, cmpDesc.otherArgs); this.components.push(cmp); this.g.appendChild(cmp.element); if (cmp.defs) cmp.defs.forEach(d => this.defs.appendChild(d)); this.style.textContent += cmp.style || ""; let rowCol = [`${cmpDesc.breadboardStartRow}`, `${cmpDesc.breadboardStartColumn}`]; let coord = this.getBBCoord(rowCol); cmp.moveToCoord(coord); let cls = this.getCmpClass(name); svg.addClass(cmp.element, cls); svg.addClass(cmp.element, "sim-cmp"); cmp.updateTheme(); cmp.updateState(); } else { //TODO: adding generic components } return cmp; } private updateTheme() { this.components.forEach(c => c.updateTheme()); } public updateState() { let state = this.board; if (!state) return; this.components.forEach(c => c.updateState()); if (!runtime || runtime.dead) svg.addClass(this.hostElement, "grayscale"); else svg.removeClass(this.hostElement, "grayscale"); } private buildDom() { // filters let glow = svg.child(this.defs, "filter", { id: "filterglow", x: "-5%", y: "-5%", width: "120%", height: "120%" }); svg.child(glow, "feGaussianBlur", { stdDeviation: "5", result: "glow" }); let merge = svg.child(glow, "feMerge", {}); for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) svg.child(merge, "feMergeNode", { in: "glow" }) // main board this.background = svg.child(this.g, "image", { class: "sim-board", x: this.boardDim.xOff, y: this.boardDim.yOff, width: this.boardDim.width, height: this.boardDim.height, "href": `${(this.boardDef.visual).image}`}); let backgroundCover = this.mkGrayCover(this.boardDim.xOff, this.boardDim.yOff, this.boardDim.width, this.boardDim.height); this.g.appendChild(backgroundCover); // ----- pins const mkSquarePin = (): SVGElAndSize => { let el = svg.elt("rect"); let width = SQUARE_PIN_WIDTH; svg.hydrate(el, { class: "sim-board-pin", width: width, height: width, }); return {el: el, w: width, h: width, x: 0, y: 0}; } const mkSquareHoverPin = (): SVGElAndSize => { let el = svg.elt("rect"); let width = SQUARE_PIN_HOVER_WIDTH; svg.hydrate(el, { class: "sim-board-pin-hover", width: width, height: width }); return {el: el, w: width, h: width, x: 0, y: 0}; } const mkPinBlockGrid = (pinBlock: PinBlockDefinition, blockIdx: number) => { let xOffset = this.boardDim.xOff + this.boardDim.scaleFn(pinBlock.x) + PIN_DIST / 2.0; let yOffset = this.boardDim.yOff + this.boardDim.scaleFn(pinBlock.y) + PIN_DIST / 2.0; let rowCount = 1; let colCount = pinBlock.labels.length; let getColName = (colIdx: number) => pinBlock.labels[colIdx]; let getRowName = () => `${blockIdx + 1}` let getGroupName = () => pinBlock.labels.join(" "); let gridRes = mkGrid({ xOffset: xOffset, yOffset: yOffset, rowCount: rowCount, colCount: colCount, pinDist: PIN_DIST, mkPin: mkSquarePin, mkHoverPin: mkSquareHoverPin, getRowName: getRowName, getColName: getColName, getGroupName: getGroupName, }); let pins = gridRes.allPins; let pinsG = gridRes.g; svg.addClass(gridRes.g, "sim-board-pin-group"); return gridRes; }; let pinBlocks = (this.boardDef.visual).pinBlocks.map(mkPinBlockGrid); pinBlocks.forEach(blk => blk.allPins.forEach(p => { this.allPins.push(p); })); //tooltip this.allPins.forEach(p => { let tooltip = p.col; svg.hydrate(p.el, {title: tooltip}); svg.hydrate(p.hoverEl, {title: tooltip}); }); //attach pins this.allPins.forEach(p => { this.g.appendChild(p.el); this.g.appendChild(p.hoverEl); }); //catalog pins this.allPins.forEach(p => { this.pinNmToPin[p.col] = p; }); // ----- labels const mkLabelTxtEl = (pinX: number, pinY: number, size: number, txt: string): SVGTextElement => { //TODO: extract constants let lblY: number; let lblX: number; let edges = [this.boardTopEdge, this.boardBotEdge]; let distFromTopBot = edges.map(e => Math.abs(e - pinY)); let closestEdgeIdx = distFromTopBot.reduce((pi, n, ni) => n < distFromTopBot[pi] ? ni : pi, 0); let topEdge = closestEdgeIdx == 0; if (topEdge) { let lblLen = size * 0.25 * txt.length; lblX = pinX; lblY = pinY + 12 + lblLen; } else { let lblLen = size * 0.32 * txt.length; lblX = pinX; lblY = pinY - 11 - lblLen; } let el = mkTxt(lblX, lblY, size, -90, txt); return el; }; const mkLabel = (pinX: number, pinY: number, txt: string): GridLabel => { let el = mkLabelTxtEl(pinX, pinY, PIN_LBL_SIZE, txt); svg.addClass(el, "sim-board-pin-lbl"); let hoverEl = mkLabelTxtEl(pinX, pinY, PIN_LBL_HOVER_SIZE, txt); svg.addClass(hoverEl, "sim-board-pin-lbl-hover"); let label: GridLabel = {el: el, hoverEl: hoverEl, txt: txt}; return label; } this.allLabels = this.allPins.map(p => { return mkLabel(p.cx, p.cy, p.col); }); //attach labels this.allLabels.forEach(l => { this.g.appendChild(l.el); this.g.appendChild(l.hoverEl); }); //catalog labels this.allPins.forEach((pin, pinIdx) => { let lbl = this.allLabels[pinIdx]; this.pinNmToLbl[pin.col] = lbl; }); } public highlightLoc(pinNm: string) { let lbl = this.pinNmToLbl[pinNm]; let pin = this.pinNmToPin[pinNm]; if (lbl && pin) { svg.addClass(lbl.el, "highlight"); svg.addClass(lbl.hoverEl, "highlight"); svg.addClass(pin.el, "highlight"); svg.addClass(pin.hoverEl, "highlight"); } } public highlightWire(wire: Wire) { //underboard wires wire.wires.forEach(e => { (e).style["visibility"] = "visible"; }); //un greyed out [wire.end1, wire.end2].forEach(e => { svg.addClass(e, "highlight"); }); wire.wires.forEach(e => { svg.addClass(e, "highlight"); }); } } }