#ifndef __PXTBASE_H #define __PXTBASE_H //#define PXT_MEMLEAK_DEBUG 1 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds" // needed for gcc6; not sure why #undef min #undef max #define NOLOG(...) \ do { \ } while (0) #define MEMDBG_ENABLED 0 #define MEMDBG NOLOG #include "pxtconfig.h" #define intcheck(...) check(__VA_ARGS__) //#define intcheck(...) do {} while (0) #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> #include <new> #ifdef PXT_MEMLEAK_DEBUG #include <set> #endif #include "pxtcore.h" #ifndef PXT_VTABLE_SHIFT #define PXT_VTABLE_SHIFT 2 #endif #define CONCAT_1(a, b) a##b #define CONCAT_0(a, b) CONCAT_1(a, b) #define STATIC_ASSERT(e) enum { CONCAT_0(_static_assert_, __LINE__) = 1 / ((e) ? 1 : 0) }; #ifndef ramint_t // this type limits size of arrays #ifdef __linux__ #define ramint_t uint32_t #else #define ramint_t uint16_t #endif #endif #if 0 inline void *operator new(size_t, void *p) { return p; } inline void *operator new[](size_t, void *p) { return p; } #endif namespace pxt { template <typename T> inline const T &max(const T &a, const T &b) { if (a < b) return b; return a; } template <typename T> inline const T &min(const T &a, const T &b) { if (a < b) return a; return b; } template <typename T> inline void swap(T &a, T &b) { T tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } // // Tagged values (assume 4 bytes for now, Cortex-M0) // struct TValueStruct {}; typedef TValueStruct *TValue; typedef TValue TNumber; typedef TValue Action; typedef TValue ImageLiteral; // To be implemented by the target extern "C" void target_panic(int error_code); extern "C" void target_reset(); void sleep_ms(unsigned ms); void sleep_us(uint64_t us); void releaseFiber(); int current_time_ms(); void initRuntime(); void sendSerial(const char *data, int len); int getSerialNumber(); void registerWithDal(int id, int event, Action a, int flags = 16); // EVENT_LISTENER_DEFAULT_FLAGS void runInParallel(Action a); void runForever(Action a); void waitForEvent(int id, int event); //% unsigned afterProgramPage(); //% void dumpDmesg(); // also defined DMESG macro // end #define TAGGED_SPECIAL(n) (TValue)(void *)((n << 2) | 2) #define TAG_FALSE TAGGED_SPECIAL(2) #define TAG_TRUE TAGGED_SPECIAL(16) #define TAG_UNDEFINED (TValue)0 #define TAG_NULL TAGGED_SPECIAL(1) #define TAG_NUMBER(n) (TNumber)(void *)((n << 1) | 1) inline bool isTagged(TValue v) { return ((intptr_t)v & 3) || !v; } inline bool isNumber(TValue v) { return (intptr_t)v & 1; } inline bool isSpecial(TValue v) { return (intptr_t)v & 2; } inline bool bothNumbers(TValue a, TValue b) { return (intptr_t)a & (intptr_t)b & 1; } inline int numValue(TValue n) { return (intptr_t)n >> 1; } #ifdef PXT_BOX_DEBUG inline bool canBeTagged(int) { return false; } #else inline bool canBeTagged(int v) { return (v << 1) >> 1 == v; } #endif typedef enum { ERR_INVALID_BINARY_HEADER = 5, ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = 8, ERR_REF_DELETED = 7, ERR_SIZE = 9, } PXT_ERROR; extern const unsigned functionsAndBytecode[]; extern TValue *globals; extern uint16_t *bytecode; class RefRecord; // Utility functions //% TValue runAction3(Action a, TValue arg0, TValue arg1, TValue arg2); //% TValue runAction2(Action a, TValue arg0, TValue arg1); //% TValue runAction1(Action a, TValue arg0); //% TValue runAction0(Action a); //% Action mkAction(int reflen, int totallen, int startptr); // allocate [sz] words and clear them //% unsigned *allocate(ramint_t sz); //% int templateHash(); //% int programHash(); //% unsigned programSize(); //% int getNumGlobals(); //% RefRecord *mkClassInstance(int vtableOffset); //% void debugMemLeaks(); //% void anyPrint(TValue v); int getConfig(int key, int defl = -1); //% int toInt(TNumber v); //% unsigned toUInt(TNumber v); //% double toDouble(TNumber v); //% float toFloat(TNumber v); //% TNumber fromDouble(double r); //% TNumber fromFloat(float r); //% TNumber fromInt(int v); //% TNumber fromUInt(unsigned v); //% TValue fromBool(bool v); //% bool eq_bool(TValue a, TValue b); //% bool eqq_bool(TValue a, TValue b); void error(PXT_ERROR code, int subcode = 0); void exec_binary(unsigned *pc); void start(); struct HandlerBinding { HandlerBinding *next; int source; int value; Action action; }; HandlerBinding *findBinding(int source, int value); void setBinding(int source, int value, Action act); // The standard calling convention is: // - when a pointer is loaded from a local/global/field etc, and incr()ed // (in other words, its presence on stack counts as a reference) // - after a function call, all pointers are popped off the stack and decr()ed // This does not apply to the RefRecord and st/ld(ref) methods - they unref() // the RefRecord* this. //% TValue incr(TValue e); //% void decr(TValue e); class RefObject; static inline RefObject *incrRC(RefObject *r) { return (RefObject *)incr((TValue)r); } static inline void decrRC(RefObject *r) { decr((TValue)r); } inline void *ptrOfLiteral(int offset) { return &bytecode[offset]; } // Checks if object is ref-counted, and has a custom PXT vtable in front // TODO inline bool isRefCounted(TValue e) { return !isTagged(e) && (*((unsigned *)e) & 1) == 1; } inline void check(int cond, PXT_ERROR code, int subcode = 0) { if (!cond) error(code, subcode); } inline void oops() { target_panic(47); } class RefObject; #ifdef PXT_MEMLEAK_DEBUG extern std::set<TValue> allptrs; #endif typedef void (*RefObjectMethod)(RefObject *self); typedef void *PVoid; typedef void **PPVoid; typedef void *Object_; const PPVoid RefMapMarker = (PPVoid)(void *)43; struct VTable { uint16_t numbytes; // in the entire object, including the vtable pointer uint16_t userdata; PVoid *ifaceTable; PVoid methods[2]; // we only use up to two methods here; pxt will generate more // refmask sits at &methods[nummethods] }; const int vtableShift = PXT_VTABLE_SHIFT; // A base abstract class for ref-counted objects. class RefObject { public: uint16_t refcnt; uint16_t vtable; RefObject(uint16_t vt) { refcnt = 3; vtable = vt; #ifdef PXT_MEMLEAK_DEBUG allptrs.insert((TValue)this); #endif } void destroyVT(); void printVT(); // Call to disable pointer tracking on the current instance (in destructor or some other hack) inline void untrack() { #ifdef PXT_MEMLEAK_DEBUG allptrs.erase((TValue)this); #endif } inline bool isReadOnly() { return refcnt == 0xffff; } // Increment/decrement the ref-count. Decrementing to zero deletes the current object. inline void ref() { if (isReadOnly()) return; check(refcnt > 1, ERR_REF_DELETED); // DMESG("INCR "); this->print(); refcnt += 2; } inline void unref() { if (isReadOnly()) return; check(refcnt > 1, ERR_REF_DELETED); check((refcnt & 1), ERR_REF_DELETED); // DMESG("DECR "); this->print(); refcnt -= 2; if (refcnt == 1) { untrack(); destroyVT(); } } }; class Segment { private: TValue *data; ramint_t length; ramint_t size; // this just gives max value of ramint_t static constexpr ramint_t MaxSize = (((1U << (8 * sizeof(ramint_t) - 1)) - 1) << 1) + 1; static constexpr TValue DefaultValue = TAG_UNDEFINED; static ramint_t growthFactor(ramint_t size); void growByMin(ramint_t minSize); void growBy(ramint_t newSize); void ensure(ramint_t newSize); public: Segment() : data(nullptr), length(0), size(0){}; TValue get(unsigned i); void set(unsigned i, TValue value); void setRef(unsigned i, TValue value); unsigned getLength() { return length; }; void setLength(unsigned newLength); void resize(unsigned newLength) { setLength(newLength); } void push(TValue value); TValue pop(); TValue remove(unsigned i); void insert(unsigned i, TValue value); bool isValidIndex(unsigned i); void destroy(); void print(); }; // A ref-counted collection of either primitive or ref-counted objects (String, Image, // user-defined record, another collection) class RefCollection : public RefObject { private: Segment head; public: RefCollection(); static void destroy(RefCollection *coll); static void print(RefCollection *coll); unsigned length() { return head.getLength(); } void setLength(unsigned newLength) { head.setLength(newLength); } void push(TValue x); TValue pop(); TValue getAt(int i); void setAt(int i, TValue x); // removes the element at index i and shifts the other elements left TValue removeAt(int i); // inserts the element at index i and moves the other elements right. void insertAt(int i, TValue x); int indexOf(TValue x, int start); bool removeElement(TValue x); }; class RefMap : public RefObject { public: Segment keys; Segment values; RefMap(); static void destroy(RefMap *map); static void print(RefMap *map); int findIdx(unsigned key); }; // A ref-counted, user-defined JS object. class RefRecord : public RefObject { public: // The object is allocated, so that there is space at the end for the fields. TValue fields[]; RefRecord(uint16_t v) : RefObject(v) {} TValue ld(int idx); TValue ldref(int idx); void st(int idx, TValue v); void stref(int idx, TValue v); }; //% VTable *getVTable(RefObject *r); // these are needed when constructing vtables for user-defined classes //% void RefRecord_destroy(RefRecord *r); //% void RefRecord_print(RefRecord *r); class RefAction; typedef TValue (*ActionCB)(TValue *captured, TValue arg0, TValue arg1, TValue arg2); // Ref-counted function pointer. class RefAction : public RefObject { public: // This is the same as for RefRecord. uint8_t len; uint8_t reflen; ActionCB func; // The function pointer // fields[] contain captured locals TValue fields[]; static void destroy(RefAction *act); static void print(RefAction *act); RefAction(); inline void stCore(int idx, TValue v) { // DMESG("ST [%d] = %d ", idx, v); this->print(); intcheck(0 <= idx && idx < len, ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, 10); intcheck(fields[idx] == 0, ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, 11); // only one assignment permitted fields[idx] = v; } inline TValue runCore(TValue arg0, TValue arg1, TValue arg2) // internal; use runAction*() functions { this->ref(); TValue r = this->func(&this->fields[0], arg0, arg1, arg2); this->unref(); return r; } }; // These two are used to represent locals written from inside inline functions class RefLocal : public RefObject { public: TValue v; static void destroy(RefLocal *l); static void print(RefLocal *l); RefLocal(); }; class RefRefLocal : public RefObject { public: TValue v; static void destroy(RefRefLocal *l); static void print(RefRefLocal *l); RefRefLocal(); }; typedef int color; // note: this is hardcoded in PXT (hexfile.ts) #define PXT_REF_TAG_STRING 1 #define PXT_REF_TAG_BUFFER 2 #define PXT_REF_TAG_IMAGE 3 #define PXT_REF_TAG_NUMBER 32 #define PXT_REF_TAG_ACTION 33 class BoxedNumber : public RefObject { public: double num; BoxedNumber() : RefObject(PXT_REF_TAG_NUMBER) {} } __attribute__((packed)); class BoxedString : public RefObject { public: uint16_t length; char data[0]; BoxedString() : RefObject(PXT_REF_TAG_STRING) {} }; class BoxedBuffer : public RefObject { public: // data needs to be word-aligned, so we use 32 bits for length int length; uint8_t data[0]; BoxedBuffer() : RefObject(PXT_REF_TAG_BUFFER) {} }; // the first byte of data indicates the format - currently 0xE1 or 0xE4 to 1 or 4 bit bitmaps // second byte indicates width in pixels // third byte indicates the height (which should also match the size of the buffer) // just like ordinary buffers, these can be layed out in flash class RefImage : public RefObject { uintptr_t _buffer; uint8_t _data[0]; public: RefImage(BoxedBuffer *buf); RefImage(uint32_t sz); bool hasBuffer() { return !(_buffer & 1); } BoxedBuffer *buffer() { return hasBuffer() ? (BoxedBuffer *)_buffer : NULL; } void setBuffer(BoxedBuffer *b); bool isDirty() { return (_buffer & 3) == 3; } void clearDirty() { if (isDirty()) _buffer &= ~2; } uint8_t *data() { return hasBuffer() ? buffer()->data : _data; } int length() { return hasBuffer() ? buffer()->length : (_buffer >> 2); } int pixLength() { return length() - 4; } int height(); int width(); int byteHeight(); int wordHeight(); int bpp(); bool hasPadding() { return (height() & 0x1f) != 0; } uint8_t *pix() { return data() + 4; } uint8_t *pix(int x, int y); uint8_t fillMask(color c); bool inRange(int x, int y); void clamp(int *x, int *y); void makeWritable(); static void destroy(RefImage *t); static void print(RefImage *t); }; RefImage *mkImage(int w, int h, int bpp); typedef BoxedBuffer *Buffer; typedef BoxedString *String; typedef RefImage *Image_; // keep in sync with github/pxt/pxtsim/libgeneric.ts enum class NumberFormat { Int8LE = 1, UInt8LE, Int16LE, UInt16LE, Int32LE, Int8BE, UInt8BE, Int16BE, UInt16BE, Int32BE, UInt32LE, UInt32BE, Float32LE, Float64LE, Float32BE, Float64BE, }; // data can be NULL in both cases String mkString(const char *data, int len = -1); Buffer mkBuffer(const uint8_t *data, int len); TNumber getNumberCore(uint8_t *buf, int size, NumberFormat format); void setNumberCore(uint8_t *buf, int size, NumberFormat format, TNumber value); TNumber mkNaN(); void seedRandom(unsigned seed); // max is inclusive unsigned getRandom(unsigned max); extern const VTable string_vt; extern const VTable image_vt; extern const VTable buffer_vt; extern const VTable number_vt; extern const VTable RefAction_vtable; enum class ValType { Undefined, Boolean, Number, String, Object, Function, }; ValType valType(TValue v); } // namespace pxt #define PXT_DEF_STRING(name, val) \ static const char name[] __attribute__((aligned(4))) = "\xff\xff\x01\x00" val; using namespace pxt; namespace pins { Buffer createBuffer(int size); } namespace String_ { int compare(String s, String that); } // The ARM Thumb generator in the JavaScript code is parsing // the hex file and looks for the magic numbers as present here. // // Then it fetches function pointer addresses from there. // // The vtable pointers are there, so that the ::emptyData for various types // can be patched with the right vtable. // #define PXT_SHIMS_BEGIN \ namespace pxt { \ const unsigned functionsAndBytecode[] \ __attribute__((aligned(0x20))) = {0x08010801, 0x42424242, 0x08010801, 0x8de9d83e, #define PXT_SHIMS_END \ } \ ; \ } #ifndef X86_64 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpmf-conversions" #endif #define PXT_VTABLE_TO_INT(vt) ((uintptr_t)(vt) >> vtableShift) #define PXT_VTABLE_BEGIN(classname, flags, iface) \ const VTable classname##_vtable __attribute__((aligned(1 << vtableShift))) = { \ sizeof(classname), flags, iface, {(void *)&classname::destroy, (void *)&classname::print, #define PXT_VTABLE_END \ } \ } \ ; #define PXT_VTABLE_INIT(classname) RefObject(PXT_VTABLE_TO_INT(&classname##_vtable)) #define PXT_VTABLE_CTOR(classname) \ PXT_VTABLE_BEGIN(classname, 0, 0) \ PXT_VTABLE_END classname::classname() : PXT_VTABLE_INIT(classname) #define PXT_MAIN \ int main() { \ pxt::start(); \ return 0; \ } #define PXT_FNPTR(x) (unsigned)(void *)(x) #define PXT_ABI(...) #define JOIN(a, b) a##b /// Defines getClassName() function to fetch the singleton #define SINGLETON(ClassName) \ static ClassName *JOIN(inst, ClassName); \ ClassName *JOIN(get, ClassName)() { \ if (!JOIN(inst, ClassName)) \ JOIN(inst, ClassName) = new ClassName(); \ return JOIN(inst, ClassName); \ } #endif