{ "bluetooth": "Support for additional Bluetooth services.", "bluetooth.onBluetoothConnected": "Register code to run when the micro:bit is connected to over Bluetooth", "bluetooth.onBluetoothConnected|param|body": "Code to run when a Bluetooth connection is established", "bluetooth.onBluetoothDisconnected": "Register code to run when a bluetooth connection to the micro:bit is lost", "bluetooth.onBluetoothDisconnected|param|body": "Code to run when a Bluetooth connection is lost", "bluetooth.startAccelerometerService": "Starts the Bluetooth accelerometer service", "bluetooth.startButtonService": "Starts the Bluetooth button service", "bluetooth.startIOPinService": "Starts the Bluetooth IO pin service.", "bluetooth.startLEDService": "Starts the Bluetooth LED service", "bluetooth.startMagnetometerService": "Starts the Bluetooth magnetometer service", "bluetooth.startTemperatureService": "Starts the Bluetooth temperature service", "bluetooth.uartRead": "Reads from the Bluetooth UART service buffer, returning its contents when the specified delimiter character is encountered.", "bluetooth.uartWrite": "Writes to the Bluetooth UART service buffer. From there the data is transmitted over Bluetooth to a connected device." }