# Break Break statement; exit a for or while loop. #docs #break #language #loop #for #while ### @parent js/language Exit a [while](/microbit/js/while) or [for](/microbit/reference/loops/for) loop before the loop is complete. ### Touch Develop syntax **break** ### Example: count to a random number The following example counts from 0 to a random number from 0-9. When the for loop counter equals the random number (`i = x`), the `break` statement exits the loop: ``` let x = Math.random(10) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i == x) { break } else { basic.showNumber(i, 0) basic.pause(500) } } ``` ### Lessons [jailbreak](/microbit/lessons/jailbreak) ### See also [for](/microbit/reference/loops/for), [while](/microbit/js/while)