# snowflake fall challenges Coding challenges for the snowflake fall tutorial. #docs ## Before we get started Complete the [snowflake fall](/microbit/lessons/snowflake-fall/activity) activity and your code will look like this: ``` basic.forever(() => { basic.showAnimation(` . . . . . . . # . . . # # # . . . # . . . . . . . `, 400) }) ``` ### Challenge 1 ### @video td/videos/snowflake-fall-1 Let's begin creating our falling effect by adding another snowflake with `basic->show animation` that displays a different snowflake pattern after the first one. We need 2 frames in the new animation that display both the first and the second snowflake images. ``` basic.forever(() => { basic.showAnimation(` . . . . . . . # . . . . # . . . # . # . . # # # . # . . . # . . # . . . # . # . . . . . . . . # . . `, 400) // *** }) ``` * Run your program to see the cool animation. ### Challenge 2 ### @video td/videos/snowflake-fall-2 To finalize our snowflake fall, let's add a different snowflake pattern. ``` basic.forever(() => { basic.showAnimation(` . . . . . . . # . . . # . # . . . # . . . # . # . # # . # # . # # # . # . . . # . . . . . . . # . . . # . # . # # . # # . . . . . . . # . . . # . # . `, 400) // *** }) ``` * Run your program and see if it works. ### Challenge 3 Add a fourth frame to the current animation... or make it your own!