# love meter activity create a love meter with the BBC micro:bit #docs ### ~avatar avatar ### @video td/videos/love-meter-0 Welcome! This tutorial will help you create a love meter with the BBC micro:bit. Let's get started! ### ~ To create a new script, go to the [Create Code](/create-code) page and tap *New Project* under **Touch Develop**. Begin by registering an event with `input->on pin pressed(PO)` to know when someone is holding pin ``P0`` and pin ``Gnd``. ``` input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, () => { }) ``` We are going to create a meter that displays a random number from 0 to 10. We use ``11`` as `math->random(n)` returns a number between ``0`` and ``n-1``. ``` input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, () => { let x = Math.random(11) }) ``` Finally, let's show that number on the micro:bit. ``` input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, () => { let x_ = Math.random(11) basic.showNumber(x_, 150) }) ``` ### ~avatar avatar Excellent, you're ready to continue with the [challenges](/lessons/love-meter/challenges)! ### ~