# Assignment Operator

Use an equals sign to make a [variable](/blocks/variables/var) store the [number](/types/number) 
or [string](/types/string) you say.

When you use the equals sign to store something in a variable, the equals sign is called
an *assignment operator*, and what you store is called a *value*.

## Storing numbers in variables

This program makes the variable `item` equal `5` and then shows it on the [LED screen](/device/screen).

let item = 5

## Storing strings in variables

This program makes the variable `name` equal `Joe` and then shows it on the [LED screen](/device/screen).

let name = "Joe"

## Notes

You can use the assignment operator with variables of 
every [type](/types). A *type* is which kind of thing
a variable can store, like a number or string.

## See also

[variable](/blocks/variables/var), [types](/types)