# set Events Configure the type of events emitted by a given pin. ```sig pins.setEvents(DigitalPin.P0, PinEventType.Edge); ``` ### ~ hint **Simulator**: This function needs real hardware to work with. It's not supported in the simulator. ### ~ ## Parameters * ``name``: The @boardname@ hardware pin to configure (``P0`` through ``P20``) * ``type``: The type of events this pin should emit ## Example The following example configures pin ``P0`` and then subscribes to the rise and fall events. ```blocks control.onEvent(control.eventSourceId(EventBusSource.MICROBIT_ID_IO_P0), control.eventValueId(EventBusValue.MICROBIT_PIN_EVT_RISE), () => { basic.showString("Rise") }) control.onEvent(control.eventSourceId(EventBusSource.MICROBIT_ID_IO_P0), control.eventValueId(EventBusValue.MICROBIT_PIN_EVT_FALL), () => { basic.showString("Fall") }) pins.setEvents(DigitalPin.P0, PinEventType.Edge) ``` **This is an advanced API.** For more information, see the [@boardname@ runtime messageBus documentation](https://lancaster-university.github.io/microbit-docs/ubit/messageBus/)