# Coffee Cup Monster

### @description A monster made of cardboard that responds to light

### ~avatar avatar

Make a coffee cup monster that responds to light!

### ~


## Duration

3 Activities, approx 30-45 min each based on familiarity with the coding concepts

## Materials

* 3 Coffee cup holders
* 2 Coffee cup strirer wood sticks
* Glue gun
* Scissors that can cut cardboard
* 1 @boardname@, battery holder and 2 AAA batteries
* 3 Crocodile clips
* 1 micro servo 9g SG90
* 1 paper clip

## Preparation

* [Equip the microservo with crocodile clips](/device/servo)

## Activities

* [Make](/projects/coffee-cup-monster/make)  
* [Code](/projects/coffee-cup-monster/code)  
* [Connect](/projects/coffee-cup-monster/connect)  

### ~button /projects/coffee-cup-monster/make

Let's get started!

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