{ "packages": { "approvedOrgs": [ "Microsoft", "microbit-foundation" ], "approvedRepos": [ "CoderDojoOlney/pxt-olney", "PaulDFoster/pxt-microbit-GY521", "chevyng/pxt-ucl-junkrobot", "srs/pxt-bitbot", "sparkfun/pxt-gamer-bit", "sparkfun/pxt-moto-bit", "sparkfun/pxt-weather-bit", "KitronikLtd/pxt-kitronik-servo-lite" ], "preferredRepos": [ "Microsoft/pxt-neopixel" ] }, "languages": [ "de", "en", "fr", "ja", "nl", "no", "sv-SE", "si-LK", "zh-CN", "zh-TW" ], "notifications": { "localhost": { "type": "warning", "heading": "Important", "message": "This editor is moving to https://makecode.microbit.org on July 22nd 2017. Please update your bookmarks and school internet filters.", "url": "https://makecode.microbit.org" }, "mbtest.pxt.io": { "type": "warning", "heading": "Important", "message": "This editor is moving to https://makecode.microbit.org on July 22nd 2017. Please update your bookmarks and school internet filters.", "url": "https://makecode.microbit.org", "readmore": "https://makecode.com/blog/microbit/v0.12.35" }, "pxt.microbit.org": { "type": "warning", "heading": "Important", "message": "This editor is moving to https://makecode.microbit.org on July 22nd 2017. Please update your bookmarks and school internet filters.", "url": "https://makecode.microbit.org", "readmore": "https://makecode.com/blog/microbit/v0.12.35" } } }