# Pause Pause program execution for the specified number of milliseconds. This function is helpful when you need to slow down your program's execution. ```sig basic.pause(400) ``` ### Parameters * ``ms`` - the number of milliseconds that you want to pause (100 = 1/10 second, 1000 milliseconds = 1 second) ### Example: diagonal line The following example code turns on LED `0, 0` thru `4, 4`, pausing 500 milliseconds after each LED. Without `pause`, the code would run so fast that you wouldn't see each individual LED turning on. ```blocks for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { led.plot(i, i) basic.pause(500) } ``` ### Lessons [blink](/microbit/lessons/blink), [lucky 7](/microbit/lessons/lucky-7), [smiley](/microbit/lessons/smiley), [flashing heart](/microbit/lessons/flashing-heart) ### See also [while](/microbit/js/while), [running time](/microbit/reference/input/running-time), [for](/microbit/reference/loops/for)