#include "pxt.h"

enum class DigitalPin {
    P0 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P0,   // edge connector 0
    P1 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P1,   // edge connector 1
    P2 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P2,   // edge connector 2
    P3 = CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P22,  // edge connector 3
    C4 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P3,   // LED matrix C1
    C5 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P4,   // LED matrix C2
    C6 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P10,  // LED matrix C3
    C7 = CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P7,   // LED matrix C4
    C8 = CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P8,   // LED matrix C5
    C9 = CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P9,   // LED matrix C6
    C10 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P9,  // LED matrix C7
    C11 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P7,  // LED matrix C8
    C12 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P6,  // LED matrix C9
    C13 = CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P13, // LED matrix R1
    C14 = CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P14, // LED matrix R2
    C15 = CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P15, // LED matrix R3
    //P16 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P16,
    C19 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P19, // SCL
    C20 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P20  // SDA

enum class AnalogPin {
    //P0 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P0, -- does not work analogue
    P1 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P1,   // edge connector 1
    P2 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P2,   // edge connector 2
    //P3 = CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P22, -- does not work analogue
    C6 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P10,

enum class PulseValue {

enum class PinPullMode {
    //% block="down"
    PullDown = 0,
    //% block="up"
    PullUp = 1,
    //% block="none"
    PullNone = 2

MicroBitPin *getPin(int id) {
    switch (id) {
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P0: return &uBit.io.P0;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P1: return &uBit.io.P1;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P2: return &uBit.io.P2;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P3: return &uBit.io.P3;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P4: return &uBit.io.P4;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P5: return &uBit.io.P5;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P6: return &uBit.io.P6;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P7: return &uBit.io.P7;
        //case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P8: return &uBit.io.P8;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P9: return &uBit.io.P9;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P10: return &uBit.io.P10;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P11: return &uBit.io.P11;
        //case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P12: return &uBit.io.P12;
        //case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P13: return &uBit.io.P13;
        //case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P14: return &uBit.io.P14;
        //case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P15: return &uBit.io.P15;
        //case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P16: return &uBit.io.P16;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P19: return &uBit.io.P19;
        case MICROBIT_ID_IO_P20: return &uBit.io.P20;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P3: return &uBit.io.CAL_P3;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P7: return &uBit.io.CAL_P7;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P8: return &uBit.io.CAL_P8;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P9: return &uBit.io.CAL_P9;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P13: return &uBit.io.CAL_P13;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P14: return &uBit.io.CAL_P14;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P15: return &uBit.io.CAL_P15;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P22: return &uBit.io.CAL_P22;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P28: return &uBit.io.CAL_P28;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P29: return &uBit.io.CAL_P29;
        case CALLIOPE_ID_IO_P30: return &uBit.io.CAL_P30;
        default: return NULL;

namespace pins {
    #define PINOP(op) \
      MicroBitPin *pin = getPin((int)name); \
      if (!pin) return; \

    #define PINREAD(op) \
      MicroBitPin *pin = getPin((int)name); \
      if (!pin) return 0; \
      return pin->op

    MicroBitPin *getPinAddress(int id) {
        return getPin(id);

     * Read the specified pin or connector as either 0 or 1
     * @param name pin to read from
    //% help=pins/digital-read-pin weight=30
    //% blockId=device_get_digital_pin block="digital read|pin %name" blockGap=8
    int digitalReadPin(DigitalPin name) {

      * Set a pin or connector value to either 0 or 1.
      * @param name pin to write to
      * @param value value to set on the pin, 1 eg,0
    //% help=pins/digital-write-pin weight=29
    //% blockId=device_set_digital_pin block="digital write|pin %name|to %value"
    void digitalWritePin(DigitalPin name, int value) { 

     * Read the connector value as analog, that is, as a value comprised between 0 and 1023.
     * @param name pin to write to
    //% help=pins/analog-read-pin weight=25
    //% blockId=device_get_analog_pin block="analog read|pin %name" blockGap="8" 
    int analogReadPin(AnalogPin name) {

     * Set the connector value as analog. Value must be comprised between 0 and 1023.
     * @param name pin name to write to
     * @param value value to write to the pin between ``0`` and ``1023``. eg:1023,0
    //% help=pins/analog-write-pin weight=24
    //% blockId=device_set_analog_pin block="analog write|pin %name|to %value" blockGap=8
    void analogWritePin(AnalogPin name, int value) { 

     * Configures the Pulse-width modulation (PWM) of the analog output to the given value in **microseconds** or `1/1000` milliseconds.
     * If this pin is not configured as an analog output (using `analog write pin`), the operation has no effect.
     * @param name analog pin to set period to
     * @param micros period in micro seconds. eg:20000
    //% help=pins/analog-set-period weight=23 blockGap=8
    //% blockId=device_set_analog_period block="analog set period|pin %pin|to (µs)%micros" 
    void analogSetPeriod(AnalogPin name, int micros) { 
    * Configures this pin to a digital input, and generates events where the timestamp is the duration that this pin was either ``high`` or ``low``.
    //% help=pins/on-pulsed weight=22 blockGap=8
    //% blockId=pins_on_pulsed block="on|pin %pin|pulsed %pulse"
    void onPulsed(DigitalPin name, PulseValue pulse, Action body) {
        MicroBitPin* pin = getPin((int)name);
        if (!pin) return;
        registerWithDal((int)name, (int)pulse, body);
    * Gets the duration of the last pulse in micro-seconds. This function should be called from a ``onPulsed`` handler.
    //% help=pins/pulse-duration
    //% blockId=pins_pulse_duration block="pulse duration (µs)"
    //% weight=21 blockGap=8
    int pulseDuration() {
        return pxt::lastEvent.timestamp;

    * Returns the duration of a pulse in microseconds
    * @param name the pin which measures the pulse
    * @param value the value of the pulse (default high)
    * @param maximum duration in micro-seconds
    //% blockId="pins_pulse_in" block="pulse in (µs)|pin %name|pulsed %value"
    //% weight=20
    int pulseIn(DigitalPin name, PulseValue value, int maxDuration = 2000000) {
        MicroBitPin* pin = getPin((int)name);
        if (!pin) return 0;

        int pulse = value == PulseValue::High ? 1 : 0;
        uint64_t tick =  system_timer_current_time_us(); 
        uint64_t maxd = (uint64_t)maxDuration;      
        while(pin->getDigitalValue() != pulse) {
            if(system_timer_current_time_us() - tick > maxd)
                return 0;            

        uint64_t start =  system_timer_current_time_us();       
        while(pin->getDigitalValue() == pulse) {
            if(system_timer_current_time_us() - tick > maxd)
                return 0;            
        uint64_t end =  system_timer_current_time_us();       
        return end - start;         

     * Writes a value to the servo, controlling the shaft accordingly. On a standard servo, this will set the angle of the shaft (in degrees), moving the shaft to that orientation. On a continuous rotation servo, this will set the speed of the servo (with ``0`` being full-speed in one direction, ``180`` being full speed in the other, and a value near ``90`` being no movement).
     * @param name pin to write to
     * @param value angle or rotation speed, eg:180,90,0
    //% help=pins/servo-write-pin weight=20
    //% blockId=device_set_servo_pin block="servo write|pin %name|to %value" blockGap=8
    //% parts=microservo trackArgs=0
    void servoWritePin(AnalogPin name, int value) { 

     * Configures this IO pin as an analog/pwm output, configures the period to be 20 ms, and sets the pulse width, based on the value it is given **microseconds** or `1/1000` milliseconds.
     * @param name pin name
     * @param micros pulse duration in micro seconds, eg:1500
    //% help=pins/servo-set-pulse weight=19
    //% blockId=device_set_servo_pulse block="servo set pulse|pin %value|to (µs) %micros"
    void servoSetPulse(AnalogPin name, int micros) { 

    MicroBitPin* pitchPin = NULL;

     * Sets the pin used when using `pins->analog pitch`.
     * @param name TODO
    //% help=pins/analog-set-pitch weight=12
    void analogSetPitchPin(AnalogPin name) { 
      pitchPin = getPin((int)name);

     * Emits a Pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal to the current pitch pin. Use `analog set pitch pin` to define the pitch pin.
     * @param frequency TODO
     * @param ms TODO
    //% help=pins/analog-pitch weight=14 async
    void analogPitch(int frequency, int ms) { 
      if (pitchPin == NULL) return;
      if (frequency <= 0) {
      } else {
      if (ms > 0) {
          // TODO why do we use wait_ms() here? it's a busy wait I think

    * Configures the pull of this pin.
    * @param name pin to set the pull mode on
    * @param pull one of the mbed pull configurations: PullUp, PullDown, PullNone 
    //% help=pins/set-pull weight=3
    //% blockId=device_set_pull block="set pull|pin %pin|to %pull"
    void setPull(DigitalPin name, PinPullMode pull) {
        PinMode m = pull == PinPullMode::PullDown 
            ? PinMode::PullDown
            : pull == PinPullMode::PullUp ? PinMode::PullUp 
            : PinMode::PullNone;

     * Create a new zero-initialized buffer.
     * @param size number of bytes in the buffer
    Buffer createBuffer(int size)
        return ManagedBuffer(size).leakData();

     * Read `size` bytes from a 7-bit I2C `address`.
    Buffer i2cReadBuffer(int address, int size, bool repeat = false)
      Buffer buf = createBuffer(size);
      uBit.i2c.read(address << 1, (char*)buf->payload, size, repeat);
      return buf;
     * Write bytes to a 7-bit I2C `address`.
    void i2cWriteBuffer(int address, Buffer buf, bool repeat = false)
      uBit.i2c.write(address << 1, (char*)buf->payload, buf->length, repeat);

    SPI* spi = NULL;
    SPI* allocSPI() {
        if (spi == NULL)
            spi = new SPI(MOSI, MISO, SCK);
        return spi;

    * Write to the SPI slave and return the response
    * @param value Data to be sent to the SPI slave
    //% help=pins/spi-write weight=5
    //% blockId=spi_write block="spi write %value"
    int spiWrite(int value) {
        auto p = allocSPI();
        return p->write(value);