# snowflake fall lesson design a blinking rectangle animation. ### @video td/videos/snowflake-fall-0 ## Topic Show Animation ## Quick Links * [activity](/microbit/lessons/snowflake-fall/activity) * [quiz](/microbit/lessons/snowflake-fall/quiz) * [quiz answers](/microbit/lessons/snowflake-fall/quiz-answers) * [challenges](/microbit/lessons/snowflake-fall/challenges) * [tutorial](/microbit/lessons/snowflake-fall/tutorial) ## Class Year 7 ## Prior learning/place of lesson in scheme of work Learn how to create **animation**, `basic->show animation` to display an animated image. We will be learning how to create an animated image using forever loop as well as simple commands, such as show animation. ## Documentation * **show animation** : [read more...](/microbit/reference/basic/show-animation) * **forever** : [read more...](/microbit/reference/basic/forever) ## Objectives * learn how to show a series of image frames on the LED screen, pausing the specified time after each frame * learn how to repeat code in the background forever ## Progression Pathways / Computational Thinking Framework #### Algorithms * Uses diagrams to express solutions.(AB) * Represents solutions using a structured notation (AL) (AB) * Can identify similarities and differences in situations and can use these to solve problems (pattern recognition)(GE) #### Programming & Development * Creates programs that implement algorithms to achieve given goals (AL) #### Communication Networks * Demonstrates responsible use of technologies and online services, and knows a range of ways to report concerns Understands how search engines rank search results (AL) #### Information Technology * Collects, organizes, and presents data and information in digital content (AB) * Makes appropriate improvements to solutions based on feedback received, and can comment on the success of the solution (EV) Computational Thinking Concept: AB = Abstraction; DE = Decomposition; AL = Algorithmic Thinking; EV = Evaluation; GE = Generalisation ## Activity * time: 20 min. * [activity](/microbit/lessons/snowflake-fall/activity) * [quiz](/microbit/lessons/snowflake-fall/quiz) ## Extended Activity * time: 20 min. * [challenges](/microbit/lessons/snowflake-fall/challenges) ## Homework * Extended Activity: [challenges](/microbit/lessons/snowflake-fall/challenges)