namespace bluetooth { /** * Returns the delimiter corresponding string */ //% blockId="bluetooth_uart_delimiter_conv" block="%del" //% weight=1 parts="bluetooth" export function delimiters(del: Delimiters): string { // even though it might not look like, this is more // (memory) efficient than the C++ implementation, because the // strings are statically allocated and take no RAM switch (del) { case Delimiters.NewLine: return "\n" case Delimiters.Comma: return "," case Delimiters.Dollar: return "$" case Delimiters.Colon: return ":" case Delimiters.Fullstop: return "." case Delimiters.Hash: return "#" default: return "\n" } } /** * Writes to the Bluetooth UART service buffer. From there the data is transmitted over Bluetooth to a connected device. */ //% help=bluetooth/uart-write //% blockId=bluetooth_uart_write block="bluetooth uart write %data" blockGap=8 //% parts="bluetooth" shim=bluetooth::uartWrite export function uartWrite(data: string): void { // dummy implementation for simulator console.log("UART Write: " + data) } /** * Reads from the Bluetooth UART service buffer, returning its contents when the specified delimiter character is encountered. */ //% help=bluetooth/uart-read //% blockId=bluetooth_uart_read block="bluetooth uart read %del=bluetooth_uart_delimiter_conv" blockGap=8 //% parts="bluetooth" shim=bluetooth::uartRead export function uartRead(del: string): string { // dummy implementation for simulator return "???" } }