# micro:bit senses A #microbit library that exposes orientation and movement events. A library that exposes orientation and movement events. * detect that the screen is facing up and the board is horizontal ``` onScreenUp(() => { micro_bit.showString("screen up", 100) }) ``` * detect that the screen is facing down and the board is horizontal ``` onScreenDown(() => { micro_bit.showString("screen down", 100) }) ``` * detect when the logo is up and the board is vertical ``` onLogoUp(() => { micro_bit.showString("logo up", 100) }) ``` * detect when the logo is down and the board is vertical ``` onLogoDown(() => { micro_bit.showString("r", 100) }) ``` * detect that the device is shaken ``` onShake(() => { micro_bit.showString("shake", 100) }) ```