# On Gamepad Button

Register code to run when the micro:bit receives a command from the paired gamepad.

### ~hint

The functions in the ``devices`` namespace allow the BBC micro:bit to communicate with a separate (remote) device, 
such as a smartphone, over Bluetooth (Smart).
The set of supported events will depend on the remote device and the BBC micro:bit apps available for the remote device.

### ~

devices.onGamepadButton(MesDpadButtonInfo.ADown, () => {})

### Parameters

* ``body``: Action code to run when the the micro:bit receives a command from the paired gamepad.

### See Also

[tell remote control to](/reference/devices/tell-remote-control-to), [raise alert to](/reference/devices/raise-alert-to), [signal strength](/reference/devices/signal-strength), [on signal strength changed](/reference/devices/on-signal-strength-changed)
