#include "MicroBit.h" #include "ManagedBuffer.h" #include <limits.h> static const char empty[] __attribute__ ((aligned (4))) = "\xff\xff\0\0\0"; /** * Internal constructor helper. * Configures this ManagedBuffer to refer to the static empty buffer. */ void ManagedBuffer::initEmpty() { ptr = (BufferData*)(void*)empty; } /** * Default Constructor. * Creates an empty ManagedBuffer. * * Example: * @code * ManagedBuffer p(); * @endcode */ ManagedBuffer::ManagedBuffer() { initEmpty(); } /** * Constructor. * Creates an empty ManagedBuffer of the given size. * * @param length The length of the buffer to create. * * Example: * @code * ManagedBuffer p(16); // Creates a ManagedBuffer 16 bytes long. * @endcode */ ManagedBuffer::ManagedBuffer(int length) { this->init(NULL, length); } /** * Constructor. * Creates a new ManagedBuffer of the given size, * and fills it with the data provided. * * @param data The data with which to fill the buffer. * @param length The length of the buffer to create. * * Example: * @code * uint8_t buf = {13,5,2}; * ManagedBuffer p(buf, 3); // Creates a ManagedBuffer 3 bytes long. * @endcode */ ManagedBuffer::ManagedBuffer(uint8_t *data, int length) { this->init(data, length); } /** * Copy Constructor. * Add ourselves as a reference to an existing ManagedBuffer. * * @param buffer The ManagedBuffer to reference. * * Example: * @code * ManagedBuffer p(); * ManagedBuffer p2(i); // Refers to the same buffer as p. * @endcode */ ManagedBuffer::ManagedBuffer(const ManagedBuffer &buffer) { ptr = buffer.ptr; ptr->incr(); } /** * Constructor. * Create a buffer from a raw BufferData pointer. It will ptr->incr(). This is to be used by specialized runtimes. * * @param p The pointer to use. */ ManagedBuffer::ManagedBuffer(BufferData *p) { ptr = p; ptr->incr(); } /** * Internal constructor-initialiser. * * @param data The data with which to fill the buffer. * @param length The length of the buffer to create. * */ void ManagedBuffer::init(uint8_t *data, int length) { if (length <= 0) { initEmpty(); return; } ptr = (BufferData *) malloc(sizeof(BufferData) + length); ptr->init(); ptr->length = length; // Copy in the data buffer, if provided. if (data) memcpy(ptr->payload, data, length); else memset(ptr->payload, 0, length); } /** * Destructor. * Removes buffer resources held by the instance. */ ManagedBuffer::~ManagedBuffer() { ptr->decr(); } /** * Copy assign operation. * * Called when one ManagedBuffer is assigned the value of another using the '=' operator. * Decrements our reference count and free up the buffer as necessary. * Then, update our buffer to refer to that of the supplied ManagedBuffer, * and increase its reference count. * * @param p The ManagedBuffer to reference. * * Example: * @code * uint8_t buf = {13,5,2}; * ManagedBuffer p1(16); * ManagedBuffer p2(buf, 3); * * p1 = p2; * @endcode */ ManagedBuffer& ManagedBuffer::operator = (const ManagedBuffer &p) { if(ptr == p.ptr) return *this; ptr->decr(); ptr = p.ptr; ptr->incr(); return *this; } /** * Equality operation. * * Called when one ManagedBuffer is tested to be equal to another using the '==' operator. * * @param p The ManagedBuffer to test ourselves against. * @return true if this ManagedBuffer is identical to the one supplied, false otherwise. * * Example: * @code * * uint8_t buf = {13,5,2}; * ManagedBuffer p1(16); * ManagedBuffer p2(buf, 3); * * if(p1 == p2) // will be true * uBit.display.scroll("same!"); * @endcode */ bool ManagedBuffer::operator== (const ManagedBuffer& p) { if (ptr == p.ptr) return true; else return (ptr->length == p.ptr->length && (memcmp(ptr->payload, p.ptr->payload, ptr->length)==0)); } /** * Sets the byte at the given index to value provided. * @param position The index of the byte to change. * @param value The new value of the byte (0-255). * @return MICROBIT_OK, or MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER. * * Example: * @code * ManagedBuffer p1(16); * p1.setByte(0,255); // Sets the firts byte in the buffer to the value 255. * @endcode */ int ManagedBuffer::setByte(int position, uint8_t value) { if (0 <= position && position < ptr->length) { ptr->payload[position] = value; return MICROBIT_OK; } else { return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } /** * Determines the value of the given byte in the buffer. * * @param position The index of the byte to read. * @return The value of the byte at the given position, or MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER. * * Example: * @code * ManagedBuffer p1(16); * p1.setByte(0,255); // Sets the firts byte in the buffer to the value 255. * p1.getByte(0); // Returns 255. * @endcode */ int ManagedBuffer::getByte(int position) { if (0 <= position && position < ptr->length) return ptr->payload[position]; else return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /** * Get current ptr, do not decr() it, and set the current instance to an empty buffer. * This is to be used by specialized runtimes which pass BufferData around. */ BufferData *ManagedBuffer::leakData() { BufferData* res = ptr; initEmpty(); return res; } int ManagedBuffer::fill(uint8_t value, int offset, int length) { if (offset < 0 || offset > ptr->length) return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (length < 0) length = ptr->length; length = min(length, ptr->length - offset); memset(ptr->payload + offset, value, length); return MICROBIT_OK; } ManagedBuffer ManagedBuffer::slice(int offset, int length) const { offset = min(ptr->length, offset); if (length < 0) length = ptr->length; length = min(length, ptr->length - offset); return ManagedBuffer(ptr->payload + offset, length); } void ManagedBuffer::shift(int offset, int start, int len) { if (len < 0) len = ptr->length - start; if (start < 0 || start + len > ptr->length || start + len < start || len == 0 || offset == 0 || offset == INT_MIN) return; if (offset <= -len || offset >= len) { fill(0); return; } uint8_t *data = ptr->payload + start; if (offset < 0) { offset = -offset; memmove(data + offset, data, len - offset); memset(data, 0, offset); } else { len = len - offset; memmove(data, data + offset, len); memset(data + len, 0, offset); } } void ManagedBuffer::rotate(int offset, int start, int len) { if (len < 0) len = ptr->length - start; if (start < 0 || start + len > ptr-> length || start + len < start || len == 0 || offset == 0 || offset == INT_MIN) return; if (offset < 0) offset += len << 8; // try to make it positive offset %= len; if (offset < 0) offset += len; uint8_t *data = ptr->payload + start; uint8_t *n_first = data + offset; uint8_t *first = data; uint8_t *next = n_first; uint8_t *last = data + len; while (first != next) { uint8_t tmp = *first; *first++ = *next; *next++ = tmp; if (next == last) { next = n_first; } else if (first == n_first) { n_first = next; } } } int ManagedBuffer::writeBuffer(int dstOffset, const ManagedBuffer &src, int srcOffset, int length) { if (length < 0) length = src.length(); if (srcOffset < 0 || dstOffset < 0 || dstOffset > ptr->length) return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; length = min(src.length() - srcOffset, ptr->length - dstOffset); if (length < 0) return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (ptr == src.ptr) { memmove(getBytes() + dstOffset, src.ptr->payload + srcOffset, length); } else { memcpy(getBytes() + dstOffset, src.ptr->payload + srcOffset, length); } return MICROBIT_OK; } int ManagedBuffer::writeBytes(int offset, uint8_t *src, int length, bool swapBytes) { if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || offset + length > ptr->length) return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (swapBytes) { uint8_t *p = ptr->payload + offset + length; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) *--p = src[i]; } else { memcpy(ptr->payload + offset, src, length); } return MICROBIT_OK; } int ManagedBuffer::readBytes(uint8_t *dst, int offset, int length, bool swapBytes) const { if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || offset + length > ptr->length) return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (swapBytes) { uint8_t *p = ptr->payload + offset + length; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) dst[i] = *--p; } else { memcpy(dst, ptr->payload + offset, length); } return MICROBIT_OK; }