# Rotation Find how much the @boardname@ is tilted in different directions. ```sig input.rotation(Rotation.Roll); ``` ## ~hint The @boardname@ has a part called the **accelerometer** that can check how the @boardname@ is moving. ## ~ ### Parameters * ``kind`` means which direction you are checking: `Rotation.Pitch` (up and down) or `Rotation.Roll` (left and right) ### Returns * a [number](/reference/types/number) that means how much the microbit is tilted in the direction you say, from `0` to `360` degrees ### Example: @boardname@ leveler This program helps you move the @boardname@ until it is level. When it is level, the @boardname@ shows a smiley. If you are running this program in a browser, you can tilt the @boardname@ with your mouse. ```blocks let pitch = 0; basic.forever(() => { pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch); let roll = input.rotation(Rotation.Roll); if (Math.abs(pitch) < 10 && Math.abs(roll) < 10) { basic.showLeds(` . # . # . . . . . . . . . . . # . . . # . # # # . `); } else { basic.showLeds(` # . . . # . # . # . . . # . . . # . # . # . . . # `); } }); ``` ### See also [acceleration](/reference/input/acceleration), [compass-heading](/reference/input/compass-heading)