# Serial Read Line Read a line of text from the serial port. ```sig serial.readLine(); ``` #### ~hint This function expects the line it reads to be terminated with the `\r` character. If your terminal software does not terminate lines with `\r`, this function will probably never return a value. #### ~ ### Returns * a [string](/reference/types/string) containing input from the serial port, such as a response typed by a user ### Example The following example requests the user's name, then repeats it to greet the user. ```blocks basic.forever(() => { serial.writeLine("What is your name?"); let answer = serial.readLine(); serial.writeString("Hello,"); serial.writeLine(answer); }); ``` ### See also [serial](/device/serial), [serial write line](/reference/serial/write-line), [serial write value](/reference/serial/write-value)