# Serial Redirect To Dynamically configure the serial instance to use pins other than ``USBTX`` and ``USBRX``. ```sig serial.redirect(SerialPin.P0, SerialPin.P0, BaudRate.BaudRate115200); ``` ### Parameters * ``tx``: the [serial pin](/device/pins) on which to transmit data * ``rx``: the [serial pin](/device/pins) on which to receive data * ``rate``: the baud rate at which to transmit and receive data (either `9600` or ``115200``) ### Example When button ``A`` is pressed, the following example reconfigures the serial instance. The new configuration uses pin ``P1`` to transmit and ``P2`` to receive, at a baud rate of `9600`. ```blocks input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => { serial.redirect(SerialPin.P1, SerialPin.P2, BaudRate.BaudRate9600); }); ``` ### See also [serial](/device/serial)