/// /// /// /// namespace pxsim.visuals { const PIXEL_SPACING = PIN_DIST * 3; const PIXEL_RADIUS = PIN_DIST; const CANVAS_WIDTH = 1.2 * PIN_DIST; const CANVAS_HEIGHT = 12 * PIN_DIST; const CANVAS_VIEW_WIDTH = CANVAS_WIDTH; const CANVAS_VIEW_HEIGHT = CANVAS_HEIGHT; const CANVAS_VIEW_PADDING = PIN_DIST * 4; const CANVAS_LEFT = 1.4 * PIN_DIST; const CANVAS_TOP = PIN_DIST; // For the instructions parts list export function mkNeoPixelPart(xy: Coord = [0, 0]): SVGElAndSize { const NP_PART_XOFF = -13.5; const NP_PART_YOFF = -11; const NP_PART_WIDTH = 87.5; const NP_PART_HEIGHT = 190; const NEOPIXEL_PART_IMG = ` `; let [x, y] = xy; let l = x + NP_PART_XOFF; let t = y + NP_PART_YOFF; let w = NP_PART_WIDTH; let h = NP_PART_HEIGHT; let img = svg.elt("image"); svg.hydrate(img, { class: "sim-neopixel-strip", x: l, y: t, width: w, height: h, href: svg.toDataUri(NEOPIXEL_PART_IMG) }); return { el: img, x: l, y: t, w: w, h: h }; } export class NeoPixel { public el: SVGElement; public cy: number; constructor(xy: Coord = [0, 0]) { let el = svg.elt("rect"); let r = PIXEL_RADIUS; let [cx, cy] = xy; let y = cy - r; svg.hydrate(el, { x: "-50%", y: y, width: "100%", height: r * 2, class: "sim-neopixel" }); this.el = el; this.cy = cy; } public setRgb(rgb: [number, number, number]) { let hsl = visuals.rgbToHsl(rgb); let [h, s, l] = hsl; // at least 70% luminosity l = Math.max(l, 60); let fill = `hsl(${h}, ${s}%, ${l}%)`; this.el.setAttribute("fill", fill); } } export class NeoPixelCanvas { public canvas: SVGSVGElement; public pin: number; public pixels: NeoPixel[]; private viewBox: [number, number, number, number]; private background: SVGRectElement; constructor(pin: number) { this.pixels = []; this.pin = pin; let el = svg.elt("svg"); svg.hydrate(el, { "class": `sim-neopixel-canvas`, "x": "0px", "y": "0px", "width": `${CANVAS_WIDTH}px`, "height": `${CANVAS_HEIGHT}px`, }); this.canvas = el; this.background = svg.child(el, "rect", { class: "sim-neopixel-background hidden" }); this.updateViewBox(-CANVAS_VIEW_WIDTH / 2, 0, CANVAS_VIEW_WIDTH, CANVAS_VIEW_HEIGHT); } private updateViewBox(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) { this.viewBox = [x, y, w, h]; svg.hydrate(this.canvas, { "viewBox": `${x} ${y} ${w} ${h}` }); svg.hydrate(this.background, { "x": x, "y": y, "width": w, "height": h }); } public update(colors: RGBW[]) { if (!colors || colors.length <= 0) return; for (let i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { let pixel = this.pixels[i]; if (!pixel) { let cxy: Coord = [0, CANVAS_VIEW_PADDING + i * PIXEL_SPACING]; pixel = this.pixels[i] = new NeoPixel(cxy); svg.hydrate(pixel.el, { title: `offset: ${i}` }); this.canvas.appendChild(pixel.el); } let color = colors[i]; pixel.setRgb(color); } //show the canvas if it's hidden svg.removeClass(this.background, "hidden"); //resize if necessary let [first, last] = [this.pixels[0], this.pixels[this.pixels.length - 1]] let yDiff = last.cy - first.cy; let newH = yDiff + CANVAS_VIEW_PADDING * 2; let [oldX, oldY, oldW, oldH] = this.viewBox; if (oldH < newH) { let scalar = newH / oldH; let newW = oldW * scalar; this.updateViewBox(-newW / 2, oldY, newW, newH); } } public setLoc(xy: Coord) { let [x, y] = xy; svg.hydrate(this.canvas, { x: x, y: y }); } }; function digitalPinToPinNumber(gpioPin: string): number { const MICROBIT_ID_IO_P0 = 7; //TODO: don't hardcode this, import enums.d.ts if (gpioPin == "*") { return MICROBIT_ID_IO_P0; } let pinSplit = gpioPin.split("DigitalPin.P"); U.assert(pinSplit.length === 2, "Unknown format for pin (for NeoPixel): " + gpioPin); let pinNumStr = pinSplit[1]; let pinNum = Number(pinNumStr) + MICROBIT_ID_IO_P0; return pinNum } function parseNeoPixelMode(modeStr: string): NeoPixelMode { const modeMap: Map = { "NeoPixelMode.RGB": NeoPixelMode.RGB, "NeoPixelMode.RGBW": NeoPixelMode.RGBW }; return modeMap[modeStr] || NeoPixelMode.RGB; } export class NeoPixelView implements IBoardPart { public style: string = ` .sim-neopixel-canvas { } .sim-neopixel-canvas-parent:hover { transform-origin: center; transform: scale(4) translateY(-60px); } .sim-neopixel-canvas .hidden { visibility:hidden; } .sim-neopixel-background { fill: rgba(255,255,255,0.9); } .sim-neopixel-strip { } `; public element: SVGElement; public overElement: SVGElement; public defs: SVGElement[]; private state: NeoPixelState; private canvas: NeoPixelCanvas; private part: SVGElAndSize; private stripGroup: SVGGElement; private lastLocation: Coord; private pin: number; private mode: NeoPixelMode; public init(bus: EventBus, state: NeoPixelState, svgEl: SVGSVGElement, otherParams: Map): void { U.assert(!!otherParams["mode"], "NeoPixels assumes a RGB vs RGBW mode is passed to it"); U.assert(!!otherParams["pin"], "NeoPixels assumes a pin is passed to it"); let modeStr = otherParams["mode"]; this.mode = parseNeoPixelMode(modeStr); this.state = state; this.stripGroup = svg.elt("g"); this.element = this.stripGroup; let pinStr = otherParams["pin"]; this.pin = digitalPinToPinNumber(pinStr); this.lastLocation = [0, 0]; let part = mkNeoPixelPart(); this.part = part; this.stripGroup.appendChild(part.el); let canvas = new NeoPixelCanvas(this.pin); this.canvas = canvas; let canvasG = svg.elt("g", { class: "sim-neopixel-canvas-parent" }); this.overElement = canvasG; canvasG.appendChild(canvas.canvas); this.updateStripLoc(); } public moveToCoord(xy: Coord): void { let [x, y] = xy; let loc: Coord = [x, y]; this.lastLocation = loc; this.updateStripLoc(); } private updateStripLoc() { let [x, y] = this.lastLocation; U.assert(typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "number", "invalid x,y for NeoPixel strip"); this.canvas.setLoc([x + CANVAS_LEFT, y + CANVAS_TOP]); svg.hydrate(this.part.el, { transform: `translate(${x} ${y})` }); //TODO: update part's l,h, etc. } public updateState(): void { let colors = this.state.getColors(this.pin, this.mode); this.canvas.update(colors); } public updateTheme(): void { } } }