# Connect We are going to use radio to send the current moisture level to a dashboard @boardname@. The dashboard will display one LED per @boardname@. ## Moisture sensor To make it happen, we need to change the program to * setup the radio by choosing group 4 and sending the serial number of the device * send the moisture level **divided by 4** as the dashboard takes values between ``0`` and ``255``. ```blocks radio.setTransmitSerialNumber(true) radio.setGroup(4) led.setBrightness(64) let reading = 0 basic.forever(() => { pins.analogWritePin(AnalogPin.P1, 1023) reading = pins.analogReadPin(AnalogPin.P0) radio.sendNumber(reading / 4); pins.analogWritePin(AnalogPin.P1, 0) led.plotBarGraph( reading, 1023 ) if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) { basic.showNumber(reading) } basic.pause(5000); }) ``` ## The dashboard The dashboard code can be found at [/examples/radio-dashboard](/examples/radio-dashboard). Download the code from that example into the @boardname@ that will be used to display the result. When the dashboard receives a message from a @boardname@, it find a pixel for that board (and remembers it) and uses the number received as the brightness of the LED. When a message hasn't been received by a board for some time, it's pixel will start to blink. After more time, it will simply turn off. ```package radio ```