Amerlander e4008a3a73
Fixes display and fonts ()
* change simulator svg

* change radio image

* Remove google fonts cdn

* change color of 'advanced' button

* font fix

* font fix 2

* display fix

* change fullsceen simulator bg

* Continuous servo

* handle continuous state

* adding shims

* update rendering for continuous servos

* fixing sim

* fix sig

* typo

* fix sim

* bump pxt

* bump pxt

* rerun travis
2020-02-15 13:16:34 -08:00

100 lines
5.1 KiB

namespace pxsim.visuals {
function createMicroServoElement() {
return svg.parseString(`
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg2" width="112.188" height="299.674">
<g id="layer1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" transform="scale(0.8)">
<path id="path8212" fill="#0061ff" stroke-width="6.6" d="M.378 44.61v255.064h112.188V44.61H.378z"/>
<path id="crankbase" fill="#00f" stroke-width="6.6" d="M56.57 88.047C25.328 88.047 0 113.373 0 144.615c.02 22.352 11.807 42.596 32.238 51.66.03 3.318.095 5.24.088 7.938 0 13.947 11.307 25.254 25.254 25.254 13.947 0 25.254-11.307 25.254-25.254-.006-2.986-.415-5.442-.32-8.746 19.487-9.45 30.606-29.195 30.625-50.852 0-31.24-25.33-56.568-56.57-56.568z"/>
<path id="lowertip" fill="#00a2ff" stroke-width="2" d="M.476 260.78v38.894h53.82v-10.486a6.82 6.566 0 0 1-4.545-6.182 6.82 6.566 0 0 1 6.82-6.566 6.82 6.566 0 0 1 6.82 6.566 6.82 6.566 0 0 1-4.545 6.182v10.486h53.82V260.78H.475z"/>
<path id="uppertip" fill="#00a2ff" stroke-width="2" d="M112.566 83.503V44.61h-53.82v10.487a6.82 6.566 0 0 1 4.544 6.18 6.82 6.566 0 0 1-6.818 6.568 6.82 6.566 0 0 1-6.82-6.567 6.82 6.566 0 0 1 4.546-6.18V44.61H.378v38.893h112.188z"/>
<path id="VCC" fill="red" stroke-width="2" d="M53.72 21.93h5.504v22.627H53.72z"/>
<path id="LOGIC" fill="#fc0" stroke-width="2" d="M47.3 21.93h5.503v22.627H47.3z"/>
<path id="GND" fill="#a02c2c" stroke-width="2" d="M60.14 21.93h5.505v22.627H60.14z"/>
<path id="connector" stroke-width="2" d="M45.064 0a1.488 1.488 0 0 0-1.488 1.488v24.5a1.488 1.488 0 0 0 1.488 1.487h22.71a1.488 1.488 0 0 0 1.49-1.488v-24.5A1.488 1.488 0 0 0 67.774 0h-22.71z"/>
<g id="crank" transform="translate(0 -752.688)">
<path id="arm" fill="#ececec" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.372" d="M47.767 880.88c-4.447 1.162-8.412 8.278-8.412 18.492s3.77 18.312 8.412 18.494c8.024.314 78.496 5.06 78.51-16.952.012-22.013-74.377-21.117-78.51-20.035z"/>
<circle id="path8216" cx="56.661" cy="899.475" r="8.972" fill="gray" stroke-width="2"/>
`).firstElementChild as SVGGElement;
export function mkMicroServoPart(xy: Coord = [0, 0]): SVGElAndSize {
return { el: createMicroServoElement(), x: xy[0], y: xy[1], w: 112.188, h: 299.674 };
const SPEED = 300; // 0.1s/60 degree
export class MicroServoView implements IBoardPart<EdgeConnectorState> {
public style: string = "";
public overElement: SVGElement = undefined;
public element: SVGElement;
public defs: SVGElement[] = [];
public state: EdgeConnectorState;
public bus: EventBus;
private currentAngle = 0;
private targetAngle = 0;
private lastAngleTime = 0;
private pin: number;
private crankEl: SVGGElement;
private crankTransform: string;
public init(bus: EventBus, state: EdgeConnectorState, svgEl: SVGSVGElement, otherParams: Map<string>) {
this.state = state;
this.pin = this.state.props.servos[
pxsim.readPin(otherParams["name"] || otherParams["pin"])
this.bus = bus;
this.defs = [];
initDom() {
this.element = createMicroServoElement();
this.crankEl = this.element.querySelector("#crank") as SVGGElement;
this.crankTransform = this.crankEl.getAttribute("transform");
moveToCoord(xy: visuals.Coord): void {
let [x, y] = xy;
translateEl(this.element, [x, y])
updateState(): void {
const p = this.state.getPin(this.pin);
const continuous = !!p.servoContinuous;
const servoAngle = p.servoAngle;
if (continuous) {
// for a continuous servo, the angle is interpreted as a rotation speed
// 0 -> -100%, 90 - 0%, 180 - 100%
const now = U.now();
const dt = Math.min(now - this.lastAngleTime, 50) / 1000;
this.currentAngle = this.targetAngle;
this.targetAngle += ((servoAngle - 90) / 90) * SPEED * dt;
} else {
this.targetAngle = 180.0 - servoAngle;
if (this.targetAngle != this.currentAngle)
private renderAngle() {
const now = U.now();
const cx = 56.661;
const cy = 899.475;
const dt = Math.min(now - this.lastAngleTime, 50) / 1000;
const delta = this.targetAngle - this.currentAngle;
this.currentAngle += Math.min(Math.abs(delta), SPEED * dt) * (delta > 0 ? 1 : -1);
this.crankEl.setAttribute("transform", this.crankTransform
+ ` rotate(${this.currentAngle}, ${cx}, ${cy})`)
this.lastAngleTime = now;
setTimeout(() => runtime.updateDisplay(), 20);
updateTheme(): void {