Joey Wunderlich 34fd7e0600
Update pxt/common-packages and fix build ()
* fix build off of pxt/ and pxt-common-packages master

* check in generated files
2019-07-30 09:45:32 -07:00

201 lines
7.3 KiB

namespace pxsim.visuals {
export function mkBtnSvg(xy: Coord): SVGAndSize<SVGGElement> {
let [innerCls, outerCls] = ["sim-button", "sim-button-outer"];
const tabSize = PIN_DIST / 2.5;
const pegR = PIN_DIST / 5;
const btnR = PIN_DIST * .8;
const pegMargin = PIN_DIST / 8;
const plateR = PIN_DIST / 12;
const pegOffset = pegMargin + pegR;
let [x, y] = xy;
const left = x - tabSize / 2;
const top = y - tabSize / 2;
const plateH = 3 * PIN_DIST - tabSize;
const plateW = 2 * PIN_DIST + tabSize;
const plateL = left;
const plateT = top + tabSize;
const btnCX = plateL + plateW / 2;
const btnCY = plateT + plateH / 2;
let btng = <SVGGElement>svg.elt("g");
const mkTab = (x: number, y: number) => {
svg.child(btng, "rect", { class: "sim-button-tab", x: x, y: y, width: tabSize, height: tabSize})
mkTab(left, top);
mkTab(left + 2 * PIN_DIST, top);
mkTab(left, top + 3 * PIN_DIST);
mkTab(left + 2 * PIN_DIST, top + 3 * PIN_DIST);
svg.child(btng, "rect", { class: outerCls, x: plateL, y: plateT, rx: plateR, ry: plateR, width: plateW, height: plateH });
const mkPeg = (x: number, y: number) => {
svg.child(btng, "circle", { class: "sim-button-nut", cx: x, cy: y, r: pegR });
mkPeg(plateL + pegOffset, plateT + pegOffset)
mkPeg(plateL + plateW - pegOffset, plateT + pegOffset)
mkPeg(plateL + pegOffset, plateT + plateH - pegOffset)
mkPeg(plateL + plateW - pegOffset, plateT + plateH - pegOffset)
//inner btn
let innerBtn = svg.child(btng, "circle", { class: innerCls, cx: btnCX, cy: btnCY, r: btnR });
return { el: btng, y: top, x: left, w: plateW, h: plateH + 2 * tabSize };
export const BUTTON_PAIR_STYLE = `
.sim-button {
pointer-events: none;
fill: #000;
.sim-button-outer:active ~ .sim-button,
.sim-button-virtual:active {
fill: #FFA500;
.sim-button-outer {
cursor: pointer;
fill: #979797;
.sim-button-outer:hover {
stroke-width: ${PIN_DIST / 5}px;
.sim-button-nut {
.sim-button-nut:hover {
stroke:${PIN_DIST / 15}px solid #704A4A;
.sim-button-tab {
.sim-button-virtual {
cursor: pointer;
fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
stroke: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
stroke-width: ${PIN_DIST / 5}px;
.sim-button-virtual:hover {
stroke: rgba(128, 128, 128, 1);
.sim-text-virtual {
fill: #000;
export class ButtonPairView implements IBoardPart<ButtonPairState> {
public element: SVGElement;
public defs: SVGElement[];
public style = BUTTON_PAIR_STYLE;
private state: ButtonPairState;
private bus: EventBus;
private aBtn: SVGGElement;
private bBtn: SVGGElement;
private abBtn: SVGGElement;
public init(bus: EventBus, state: ButtonPairState) {
this.state = state;
this.bus = bus;
this.defs = [];
this.element = this.mkBtns();
public moveToCoord(xy: Coord) {
let btnWidth = PIN_DIST * 3;
let [x, y] = xy;
translateEl(this.aBtn, [x, y])
translateEl(this.bBtn, [x + btnWidth, y])
translateEl(this.abBtn, [x + PIN_DIST * 1.5, y + PIN_DIST * 4])
public updateState() {
let stateBtns = [this.state.aBtn, this.state.bBtn, this.state.abBtn];
let svgBtns = [this.aBtn, this.bBtn, this.abBtn];
if (this.state.usesButtonAB && != "visible") { = "visible";
public updateTheme() {}
private mkBtns() {
this.aBtn = mkBtnSvg([0, 0]).el;
this.bBtn = mkBtnSvg([0, 0]).el;
const mkVirtualBtn = () => {
const numPins = 2;
const w = PIN_DIST * 2.8;
const offset = (w - (numPins * PIN_DIST)) / 2;
const corner = PIN_DIST / 2;
const cx = 0 - offset + w / 2;
const cy = cx;
const txtSize = PIN_DIST * 1.3;
const x = -offset;
const y = -offset;
const txtXOff = PIN_DIST / 7;
const txtYOff = PIN_DIST / 10;
let btng = <SVGGElement>svg.elt("g");
let btn = svg.child(btng, "rect", { class: "sim-button-virtual", x: x, y: y, rx: corner, ry: corner, width: w, height: w});
let btnTxt = mkTxt(cx + txtXOff, cy + txtYOff, txtSize, 0, "A+B");
U.addClass(btnTxt, "sim-text")
U.addClass(btnTxt, "sim-text-virtual");
return btng;
this.abBtn = mkVirtualBtn(); = "hidden";
let el = svg.elt("g");
U.addClass(el, "sim-buttonpair")
return el;
private attachEvents() {
let btnStates = [this.state.aBtn, this.state.bBtn];
let btnSvgs = [this.aBtn, this.bBtn];
btnSvgs.forEach((btn, index) => {
pxsim.pointerEvents.down.forEach(evid => btn.addEventListener(evid, ev => {
btnStates[index].pressed = true;
btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.leave, ev => {
btnStates[index].pressed = false;
btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.up, ev => {
btnStates[index].pressed = false;
this.bus.queue(btnStates[index].id, this.state.props.BUTTON_EVT_UP);
this.bus.queue(btnStates[index].id, this.state.props.BUTTON_EVT_CLICK);
let updateBtns = (s: boolean) => {
btnStates.forEach(b => b.pressed = s)
pxsim.pointerEvents.down.forEach(evid => this.abBtn.addEventListener(evid, ev => {
this.abBtn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.leave, ev => {
this.abBtn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.up, ev => {
this.bus.queue(, this.state.props.BUTTON_EVT_UP);
this.bus.queue(, this.state.props.BUTTON_EVT_CLICK);