* change simulator svg * change radio image * Remove google fonts cdn * change color of 'advanced' button * font fix * font fix 2 * display fix * change fullsceen simulator bg * Continuous servo * handle continuous state * adding shims * update rendering for continuous servos * fixing sim * fix sig * typo * fix sim * bump pxt * bump pxt * rerun travis * Input blocks revision - add Button and Pin event types - merge onPinPressed & onPinReleased in new onPinEvent function - create new onButtonEvent function * update input blocks in docs and tests * remove device_pin_release block * Hide DAL.x behind Enum * bring back deprecated blocks, but hide them * shims and locales files * fix input.input. typing * remove buildpr * bump V3 * update simulator aspect ratio * add Loudness Block * revoke loudness block * Adds soundLevel To be replaced by pxt-common-packages when DAL is updated. * Remove P0 & P3 from AnalogPin Co-authored-by: Juri <gitkraken@juriwolf.de>
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239 lines
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namespace radio {
export class Packet {
* The number payload if a number was sent in this packet (via ``sendNumber()`` or ``sendValue()``)
* or 0 if this packet did not contain a number.
public receivedNumber: number;
* The string payload if a string was sent in this packet (via ``sendString()`` or ``sendValue()``)
* or the empty string if this packet did not contain a string.
public receivedString: string;
* The buffer payload if a buffer was sent in this packet
* or the empty buffer
public receivedBuffer: Buffer;
* The system time of the sender of the packet at the time the packet was sent.
public time: number;
* The serial number of the sender of the packet or 0 if the sender did not sent their serial number.
public serial: number;
* The received signal strength indicator (RSSI) of the packet.
public signal: number;
* Deprecated. Use onDataReceived() instead
* Registers code to run when the radio receives a packet. Also takes the
* received packet from the radio queue.
//% help=radio/on-data-packet-received blockHandlerKey="radioreceived" deprecated=true
//% mutate=objectdestructuring
//% mutateText=Packet
//% mutateDefaults="receivedNumber;receivedString:name,receivedNumber:value;receivedString"
//% blockId=radio_on_packet block="on radio received" blockGap=8
export function onDataPacketReceived(cb: (packet: Packet) => void) {
onDataReceived(() => {
const packet = new Packet();
packet.receivedNumber = receivedNumber();
packet.time = receivedTime();
packet.serial = receivedSerial();
packet.receivedString = receivedString();
packet.receivedBuffer = receivedBuffer();
packet.signal = receivedSignalStrength();
* Registers code to run when the radio receives a number. Deprecated, use
* onReceivedNumber instead.
//% help=radio/on-received-number blockHandlerKey="radioreceived"
//% blockId=radio_on_number block="on radio received" blockGap=16
//% useLoc="radio.onDataPacketReceived" deprecated=1
export function onReceivedNumberDeprecated(cb: (receivedNumber: number) => void) {
* Registers code to run when the radio receives a key value pair. Deprecated, use
* onReceivedValue instead.
//% help=radio/on-received-value blockHandlerKey="radioreceived"
//% blockId=radio_on_value block="on radio received" blockGap=16
//% useLoc="radio.onDataPacketReceived" deprecated=1
export function onReceivedValueDeprecated(cb: (name: string, value: number) => void) {
* Registers code to run when the radio receives a string. Deprecated, use
* onReceivedString instead.
//% help=radio/on-received-string blockHandlerKey="radioreceived"
//% blockId=radio_on_string block="on radio received" blockGap=16
//% useLoc="radio.onDataPacketReceived" deprecated=1
export function onReceivedStringDeprecated(cb: (receivedString: string) => void) {
* Registers code to run when the radio receives a buffer. Deprecated, use
* onReceivedBuffer instead.
//% help=radio/on-received-buffer blockHandlerKey="radioreceived" blockHidden=1
//% blockId=radio_on_buffer block="on radio received" blockGap=16
//% useLoc="radio.onDataPacketReceived" deprecated=1
export function onReceivedBufferDeprecated(cb: (receivedBuffer: Buffer) => void) {
* Returns the number payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue
* (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if that packet did not
* contain a number.
//% help=radio/received-number deprecated=1
export function receivedNumber(): number {
return (lastPacket ? lastPacket.numberPayload : 0) || 0;
* Returns the serial number of the sender micro:bit from the last packet taken
* from the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if
* that packet did not send a serial number.
//% help=radio/received-serial deprecated=1
export function receivedSerial(): number {
return lastPacket ? lastPacket.serial : 0;
* Returns the string payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue
* (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or the empty string if that
* packet did not contain a string.
//% help=radio/received-string deprecated=1
export function receivedString(): string {
return (lastPacket ? lastPacket.stringPayload : "") || "";
* Returns the buffer payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue
* (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or the empty string if that
* packet did not contain a string.
//% help=radio/received-buffer deprecated=1
export function receivedBuffer(): Buffer {
return (lastPacket ? lastPacket.bufferPayload : null) || control.createBuffer(0);
* Returns the system time of the sender micro:bit at the moment when it sent the
* last packet taken from the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``,
* ``receiveString``, etc).
//% help=radio/received-time deprecated=1
export function receivedTime(): number {
return lastPacket ? lastPacket.time : 0;
* Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's number
* payload or 0 if the packet did not contain a number.
//% help=radio/receive-number
//% weight=46
//% blockId=radio_datagram_receive block="radio receive number" blockGap=8
//% deprecated=true
export function receiveNumber(): number {
lastPacket = RadioPacket.getPacket(readRawPacket());
return receivedNumber();
* Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's string
* payload or the empty string if the packet did not contain a string.
//% blockId=radio_datagram_receive_string block="radio receive string" blockGap=8
//% weight=44
//% help=radio/receive-string
//% deprecated=true
export function receiveString(): string {
lastPacket = RadioPacket.getPacket(readRawPacket());
return receivedString();
* Gets the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) from the last packet taken
* from the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc). Not supported in simulator.
//% help=radio/received-signal-strength
//% weight=40
//% blockId=radio_datagram_rssi block="radio received signal strength"
//% deprecated=true blockHidden=true
export function receivedSignalStrength(): number {
return lastPacket ? lastPacket.signal : 0;
* Reads the next packet from the radio queue and and writes it to serial
* as JSON.
//% help=radio/write-value-to-serial
//% weight=3
//% blockId=radio_write_value_serial block="radio write value to serial"
//% deprecated=true
export function writeValueToSerial() {
const p = RadioPacket.getPacket(radio.readRawPacket());
* Writes the last received packet to serial as JSON. This should be called
* within an ``onDataPacketReceived`` callback.
//% help=radio/write-received-packet-to-serial
//% weight=3
//% blockId=radio_write_packet_serial block="radio write received packet to serial"
//% advanced=true deprecated=true
export function writeReceivedPacketToSerial() {
if (lastPacket) writeToSerial(lastPacket)
function writeToSerial(packet: RadioPacket) {
serial.writeString("" + packet.time);
serial.writeString("" + packet.serial);
if (packet.hasString()) {
if (packet.packetType == PACKET_TYPE_BUFFER) {
// TODO: proper base64 encoding
if (packet.hasNumber()) {
serial.writeString("" + packet.numberPayload);
} |