2016-08-17 11:18:15 -07:00

691 lines
25 KiB

// Auto-generated. Do not edit.
* Creation, manipulation and display of LED images.
//% color=#5C2D91 weight=31
declare namespace images {
* Creates an image that fits on the LED screen.
//% weight=75 help=images/create-image
//% blockId=device_build_image block="create image" imageLiteral=1 shim=images::createImage
function createImage(leds: string): Image;
* Creates an image with 2 frames.
//% weight=74 help=images/create-big-image
//% blockId=device_build_big_image block="create big image" imageLiteral=2 shim=images::createBigImage
function createBigImage(leds: string): Image;
declare interface Image {
* Plots the image at a given column to the screen
//% help=images/plot-image xOffset.defl=0 shim=ImageMethods::plotImage
plotImage(xOffset?: number): void;
* Shows an frame from the image at offset ``x offset``.
* @param xOffset column index to start displaying the image
//% help=images/show-image weight=80 blockNamespace=images
//% blockId=device_show_image_offset block="show image %sprite|at offset %offset" blockGap=8 shim=ImageMethods::showImage
showImage(xOffset: number): void;
* Draws the ``index``-th frame of the image on the screen.
* @param xOffset column index to start displaying the image
//% help=images/plot-frame weight=80 shim=ImageMethods::plotFrame
plotFrame(xOffset: number): void;
* Scrolls an image .
* @param frameOffset x offset moved on each animation step, eg: 5, 1, -1
* @param interval time between each animation step in milli seconds, eg: 200
//% help=images/show-image weight=79 async blockNamespace=images
//% blockId=device_scroll_image block="scroll image %sprite|with offset %frameoffset|and interval (ms) %delay" blockGap=8 shim=ImageMethods::scrollImage
scrollImage(frameOffset: number, interval: number): void;
* Sets all pixels off.
//% help=images/clear shim=ImageMethods::clear
clear(): void;
* Sets a specific pixel brightness at a given position
//% shim=ImageMethods::setPixelBrightness
setPixelBrightness(x: number, y: number, value: number): void;
* Gets the pixel brightness ([0..255]) at a given position
//% shim=ImageMethods::pixelBrightness
pixelBrightness(x: number, y: number): number;
* Gets the width in columns
//% help=functions/width shim=ImageMethods::width
width(): number;
* Gets the height in rows (always 5)
//% shim=ImageMethods::height
height(): number;
* Set a pixel state at position ``(x,y)``
* @param x TODO
* @param y TODO
* @param value TODO
//% help=images/set-pixel shim=ImageMethods::setPixel
setPixel(x: number, y: number, value: boolean): void;
* Get the pixel state at position ``(x,y)``
* @param x TODO
* @param y TODO
//% help=images/pixel shim=ImageMethods::pixel
pixel(x: number, y: number): boolean;
* Shows a particular frame of the image strip.
* @param frame TODO
//% weight=70 help=images/show-frame shim=ImageMethods::showFrame
showFrame(frame: number): void;
* Provides access to basic micro:bit functionality.
//% color=#0078D7 weight=100
declare namespace basic {
* Scroll a number on the screen. If the number fits on the screen (i.e. is a single digit), do not scroll.
* @param interval speed of scroll; eg: 150, 100, 200, -100
//% help=basic/show-number
//% weight=96
//% blockId=device_show_number block="show|number %number" blockGap=8 icon="\uf1ec"
//% async interval.defl=150 shim=basic::showNumber
function showNumber(value: number, interval?: number): void;
* Draws an image on the LED screen.
* @param leds the pattern of LED to turn on/off
* @param interval time in milliseconds to pause after drawing
//% help=basic/show-leds
//% weight=95 blockGap=8
//% imageLiteral=1 async
//% blockId=device_show_leds
//% block="show leds" icon="\uf00a" interval.defl=400 shim=basic::showLeds
function showLeds(leds: string, interval?: number): void;
* Display text on the display, one character at a time. If the string fits on the screen (i.e. is one letter), does not scroll.
* @param text the text to scroll on the screen, eg: "Hello!"
* @param interval how fast to shift characters; eg: 150, 100, 200, -100
//% help=basic/show-string
//% weight=87 blockGap=8
//% block="show|string %text" icon="\uf031"
//% async
//% blockId=device_print_message interval.defl=150 shim=basic::showString
function showString(text: string, interval?: number): void;
* Turn off all LEDs
//% help=basic/clear-screen weight=79
//% blockId=device_clear_display block="clear screen" icon="\uf12d" shim=basic::clearScreen
function clearScreen(): void;
* Shows a sequence of LED screens as an animation.
* @param leds pattern of LEDs to turn on/off
* @param interval time in milliseconds between each redraw
//% help=basic/show-animation imageLiteral=1 async interval.defl=400 shim=basic::showAnimation
function showAnimation(leds: string, interval?: number): void;
* Draws an image on the LED screen.
* @param leds pattern of LEDs to turn on/off
//% help=basic/plot-leds weight=80 imageLiteral=1 shim=basic::plotLeds
function plotLeds(leds: string): void;
* Repeats the code forever in the background. On each iteration, allows other codes to run.
* @param body code to execute
//% help=basic/forever weight=55 blockGap=8
//% blockId=device_forever block="forever" icon="\uf01e" shim=basic::forever
function forever(a: () => void): void;
* Pause for the specified time in milliseconds
* @param ms how long to pause for, eg: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000
//% help=basic/pause weight=54
//% async block="pause (ms) %pause"
//% blockId=device_pause icon="\uf110" shim=basic::pause
function pause(ms: number): void;
//% color=300 weight=99
declare namespace input {
* Do something when a button (``A``, ``B`` or both ``A+B``) is pressed
* @param button TODO
* @param body TODO
//% help=input/on-button-pressed weight=85 blockGap=8
//% blockId=device_button_event block="on button|%NAME|pressed" icon="\uf192" shim=input::onButtonPressed
function onButtonPressed(button: Button, body: () => void): void;
* Attaches code to run when the screen is facing up.
* @param body TODO
//% help=input/on-gesture weight=84 blockGap=8
//% blockId=device_gesture_event block="on |%NAME" icon="\uf135" shim=input::onGesture
function onGesture(gesture: Gesture, body: () => void): void;
* Do something when a pin is pressed.
* @param name the pin that needs to be pressed
* @param body the code to run when the pin is pressed
//% help=input/on-pin-pressed weight=83
//% blockId=device_pin_event block="on pin %NAME|pressed" icon="\uf094" shim=input::onPinPressed
function onPinPressed(name: TouchPin, body: () => void): void;
* Do something when a pin is released.
* @param name the pin that needs to be released
* @param body the code to run when the pin is released
//% help=input/on-pin-released weight=6 blockGap=8
//% blockId=device_pin_released block="on pin %NAME|released" icon="\uf094" shim=input::onPinReleased
function onPinReleased(name: TouchPin, body: () => void): void;
* Get the button state (pressed or not) for ``A`` and ``B``.
//% help=input/button-is-pressed weight=57
//% block="button|%NAME|is pressed"
//% blockId=device_get_button2
//% icon="\uf192" blockGap=8 shim=input::buttonIsPressed
function buttonIsPressed(button: Button): boolean;
* Get the pin state (pressed or not). Requires to hold the ground to close the circuit.
* @param name pin used to detect the touch
//% help=input/pin-is-pressed weight=56
//% blockId="device_pin_is_pressed" block="pin %NAME|is pressed" icon="\uf094"
//% blockGap=8 shim=input::pinIsPressed
function pinIsPressed(name: TouchPin): boolean;
* Get the current compass compass heading in degrees.
//% help=input/compass-heading
//% weight=56 icon="\uf14e"
//% blockId=device_heading block="compass heading (°)" blockGap=8 shim=input::compassHeading
function compassHeading(): number;
* Gets the temperature in Celsius degrees (°C).
//% weight=55 icon="\uf06d"
//% help=input/temperature
//% blockId=device_temperature block="temperature (°C)" blockGap=8 shim=input::temperature
function temperature(): number;
* Get the acceleration value in milli-gravitys (when the board is laying flat with the screen up, x=0, y=0 and z=-1024)
* @param dimension TODO
//% help=input/acceleration weight=54 icon="\uf135"
//% blockId=device_acceleration block="acceleration (mg)|%NAME" blockGap=8 shim=input::acceleration
function acceleration(dimension: Dimension): number;
* Reads the light level applied to the LED screen in a range from ``0`` (dark) to ``255`` bright.
//% help=input/light-level weight=53
//% blockId=device_get_light_level block="light level" blockGap=8 icon="\uf185" shim=input::lightLevel
function lightLevel(): number;
* The pitch of the device, rotation along the ``x-axis``, in degrees.
* @param kind TODO
//% help=input/rotation weight=52
//% blockId=device_get_rotation block="rotation (°)|%NAME" blockGap=8 icon="\uf197" shim=input::rotation
function rotation(kind: Rotation): number;
* Get the magnetic force value in ``micro-Teslas`` (``µT``). This function is not supported in the simulator.
* @param dimension TODO
//% help=input/magnetic-force weight=51
//% blockId=device_get_magnetic_force block="magnetic force (µT)|%NAME" blockGap=8 icon="\uf076" shim=input::magneticForce
function magneticForce(dimension: Dimension): number;
* Gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since power on.
//% help=input/running-time weight=50
//% blockId=device_get_running_time block="running time (ms)" icon="\uf017" shim=input::runningTime
function runningTime(): number;
* Obsolete, compass calibration is automatic.
//% help=input/calibrate weight=0 shim=input::calibrate
function calibrate(): void;
* Sets the accelerometer sample range in gravities.
* @param range a value describe the maximum strengh of acceleration measured
//% help=input/set-accelerometer-range
//% blockId=device_set_accelerometer_range block="set accelerometer|range %range" icon="\uf135"
//% weight=5 shim=input::setAccelerometerRange
function setAccelerometerRange(range: AcceleratorRange): void;
//% weight=1 color="#333333"
declare namespace control {
* Schedules code that run in the background.
//% help=control/in-background
//% blockId="control_in_background" block="run in background" blockGap=8 shim=control::inBackground
function inBackground(a: () => void): void;
* Resets the BBC micro:bit.
//% weight=30 async help=control/reset blockGap=8
//% blockId="control_reset" block="reset" shim=control::reset
function reset(): void;
* Blocks the current fiber for the given microseconds
* @param micros number of micro-seconds to wait. eg: 4
//% help=control/wait-micros weight=29
//% blockId="control_wait_us" block="wait (µs)%micros" shim=control::waitMicros
function waitMicros(micros: number): void;
* Raises an event in the event bus.
* @param src ID of the MicroBit Component that generated the event e.g. MICROBIT_ID_BUTTON_A.
* @param value Component specific code indicating the cause of the event.
* @param mode optional definition of how the event should be processed after construction (default is CREATE_AND_FIRE).
//% weight=21 blockGap=12 blockId="control_raise_event" block="raise event|from source %src=control_event_source_id|with value %value=control_event_value_id" blockExternalInputs=1
//% mode.defl=1 shim=control::raiseEvent
function raiseEvent(src: number, value: number, mode?: EventCreationMode): void;
* Raises an event in the event bus.
//% weight=20 blockGap=8 blockId="control_on_event" block="on event|from %src=control_event_source_id|with value %value=control_event_value_id"
//% blockExternalInputs=1 shim=control::onEvent
function onEvent(src: number, value: number, handler: () => void): void;
* Gets the value of the last event executed on the bus
//% blockId=control_event_value" block="event value"
//% weight=18 shim=control::eventValue
function eventValue(): number;
* Gets the timestamp of the last event executed on the bus
//% blockId=control_event_timestamp" block="event timestamp"
//% weight=19 blockGap=8 shim=control::eventTimestamp
function eventTimestamp(): number;
* Gets a friendly name for the device derived from the its serial number
//% blockId="control_device_name" block="device name" weight=10 blockGap=8 shim=control::deviceName
function deviceName(): string;
* Derive a unique, consistent serial number of this device from internal data.
//% blockId="control_device_serial_number" block="device serial number" weight=9 shim=control::deviceSerialNumber
function deviceSerialNumber(): number;
//% color=3 weight=35
declare namespace led {
* Turn on the specified LED using x, y coordinates (x is horizontal, y is vertical). (0,0) is upper left.
* @param x TODO
* @param y TODO
//% help=led/plot weight=78
//% blockId=device_plot block="plot|x %x|y %y" icon="\uf205" blockGap=8 shim=led::plot
function plot(x: number, y: number): void;
* Turn off the specified LED using x, y coordinates (x is horizontal, y is vertical). (0,0) is upper left.
* @param x TODO
* @param y TODO
//% help=led/unplot weight=77
//% blockId=device_unplot block="unplot|x %x|y %y" icon="\uf204" blockGap=8 shim=led::unplot
function unplot(x: number, y: number): void;
* Get the on/off state of the specified LED using x, y coordinates. (0,0) is upper left.
* @param x TODO
* @param y TODO
//% help=led/point weight=76
//% blockId=device_point block="point|x %x|y %y" icon="\uf10c" shim=led::point
function point(x: number, y: number): boolean;
* Get the screen brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (full bright).
//% help=led/brightness weight=60
//% blockId=device_get_brightness block="brightness" icon="\uf042" blockGap=8 shim=led::brightness
function brightness(): number;
* Set the screen brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (full bright).
* @param value the brightness value, eg:255, 127, 0
//% help=led/set-brightness weight=59
//% blockId=device_set_brightness block="set brightness %value" icon="\uf042" shim=led::setBrightness
function setBrightness(value: number): void;
* Cancels the current animation and clears other pending animations.
//% weight=50 help=led/stop-animation
//% blockId=device_stop_animation block="stop animation" icon="\uf04d" shim=led::stopAnimation
function stopAnimation(): void;
* Sets the display mode between black and white and greyscale for rendering LEDs.
* @param mode TODO
//% weight=1 help=led/set-display-mode shim=led::setDisplayMode
function setDisplayMode(mode: DisplayMode): void;
* Takes a screenshot of the LED screen and returns an image.
//% help=led/screenshot shim=led::screenshot
function screenshot(): Image;
declare namespace pins {
* Read the specified pin or connector as either 0 or 1
* @param name pin to read from
//% help=pins/digital-read-pin weight=30
//% blockId=device_get_digital_pin block="digital read|pin %name" blockGap=8 shim=pins::digitalReadPin
function digitalReadPin(name: DigitalPin): number;
* Set a pin or connector value to either 0 or 1.
* @param name pin to write to
* @param value value to set on the pin, 1 eg,0
//% help=pins/digital-write-pin weight=29
//% blockId=device_set_digital_pin block="digital write|pin %name|to %value" shim=pins::digitalWritePin
function digitalWritePin(name: DigitalPin, value: number): void;
* Read the connector value as analog, that is, as a value comprised between 0 and 1023.
* @param name pin to write to
//% help=pins/analog-read-pin weight=25
//% blockId=device_get_analog_pin block="analog read|pin %name" blockGap="8" shim=pins::analogReadPin
function analogReadPin(name: AnalogPin): number;
* Set the connector value as analog. Value must be comprised between 0 and 1023.
* @param name pin name to write to
* @param value value to write to the pin between ``0`` and ``1023``. eg:1023,0
//% help=pins/analog-write-pin weight=24
//% blockId=device_set_analog_pin block="analog write|pin %name|to %value" blockGap=8 shim=pins::analogWritePin
function analogWritePin(name: AnalogPin, value: number): void;
* Configures the Pulse-width modulation (PWM) of the analog output to the given value in **microseconds** or `1/1000` milliseconds.
* If this pin is not configured as an analog output (using `analog write pin`), the operation has no effect.
* @param name analog pin to set period to
* @param micros period in micro seconds. eg:20000
//% help=pins/analog-set-period weight=23 blockGap=8
//% blockId=device_set_analog_period block="analog set period|pin %pin|to (µs)%micros" shim=pins::analogSetPeriod
function analogSetPeriod(name: AnalogPin, micros: number): void;
* Configures this pin to a digital input, and generates events where the timestamp is the duration that this pin was either ``high`` or ``low``.
//% help=pins/on-pulsed weight=22 blockGap=8
//% blockId=pins_on_pulsed block="on|pin %pin|pulsed %pulse" shim=pins::onPulsed
function onPulsed(name: DigitalPin, pulse: PulseValue, body: () => void): void;
* Gets the duration of the last pulse in micro-seconds. This function should be called from a ``onPulsed`` handler.
//% help=pins/pulse-duration
//% blockId=pins_pulse_duration block="pulse duration (µs)"
//% weight=21 blockGap=8 shim=pins::pulseDuration
function pulseDuration(): number;
* Returns the duration of a pulse in microseconds
* @param name the pin which measures the pulse
* @param value the value of the pulse (default high)
//% blockId="pins_pulse_in" block="pulse in (µs)|pin %name"
//% weight=20 shim=pins::pulseIn
function pulseIn(name: DigitalPin, value: PulseValue): number;
* Writes a value to the servo, controlling the shaft accordingly. On a standard servo, this will set the angle of the shaft (in degrees), moving the shaft to that orientation. On a continuous rotation servo, this will set the speed of the servo (with ``0`` being full-speed in one direction, ``180`` being full speed in the other, and a value near ``90`` being no movement).
* @param name pin to write to
* @param value angle or rotation speed, eg:180,90,0
//% help=pins/servo-write-pin weight=20
//% blockId=device_set_servo_pin block="servo write|pin %name|to %value" blockGap=8 shim=pins::servoWritePin
function servoWritePin(name: AnalogPin, value: number): void;
* Configures this IO pin as an analog/pwm output, configures the period to be 20 ms, and sets the pulse width, based on the value it is given **microseconds** or `1/1000` milliseconds.
* @param name pin name
* @param micros pulse duration in micro seconds, eg:1500
//% help=pins/servo-set-pulse weight=19
//% blockId=device_set_servo_pulse block="servo set pulse|pin %value|to (µs) %micros" shim=pins::servoSetPulse
function servoSetPulse(name: AnalogPin, micros: number): void;
* Sets the pin used when using `pins->analog pitch`.
* @param name TODO
//% help=pins/analog-set-pitch weight=12 shim=pins::analogSetPitchPin
function analogSetPitchPin(name: AnalogPin): void;
* Emits a Pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal to the current pitch pin. Use `analog set pitch pin` to define the pitch pin.
* @param frequency TODO
* @param ms TODO
//% help=pins/analog-pitch weight=14 async shim=pins::analogPitch
function analogPitch(frequency: number, ms: number): void;
* Configures the pull of this pin.
* @param name pin to set the pull mode on
* @param pull one of the mbed pull configurations: PullUp, PullDown, PullNone
//% help=pins/set-pull weight=3
//% blockId=device_set_pull block="set pull|pin %pin|to %pull" shim=pins::setPull
function setPull(name: DigitalPin, pull: PinPullMode): void;
* Create a new zero-initialized buffer.
* @param size number of bytes in the buffer
//% shim=pins::createBuffer
function createBuffer(size: number): Buffer;
* Read `size` bytes from a 7-bit I2C `address`.
//% repeat.defl=0 shim=pins::i2cReadBuffer
function i2cReadBuffer(address: number, size: number, repeat?: boolean): Buffer;
* Write bytes to a 7-bit I2C `address`.
//% repeat.defl=0 shim=pins::i2cWriteBuffer
function i2cWriteBuffer(address: number, buf: Buffer, repeat?: boolean): void;
* Write to the SPI slave and return the response
* @param value Data to be sent to the SPI slave
//% help=pins/spi-write weight=5
//% blockId=spi_write block="spi write %value" shim=pins::spiWrite
function spiWrite(value: number): number;
//% weight=2 color=30
declare namespace serial {
* Reads a line of text from the serial port.
//% help=serial/read-line
//% blockId=serial_read_line block="serial read line"
//% weight=20 shim=serial::readLine
function readLine(): string;
* Sends a piece of text through Serial connection.
//% help=serial/write-string
//% weight=87
//% blockId=serial_writestring block="serial write string %text" shim=serial::writeString
function writeString(text: string): void;
* Dynamically configuring the serial instance to use pins other than USBTX and USBRX.
* @param tx the new transmission pins
* @param rx the new reception pin
* @param baud the new baud rate. eg: 115200
//% weight=10
//% help=serial/redirect-to
//% blockId=serial_redirect block="serial redirect to|TX %tx|RX %rx|at baud rate %rate"
//% blockExternalInputs=1 shim=serial::redirect
function redirect(tx: SerialPin, rx: SerialPin, rate: BaudRate): void;
//% indexerGet=BufferMethods::getByte indexerSet=BufferMethods::setByte
declare interface Buffer {
* Write a number in specified format in the buffer.
//% shim=BufferMethods::setNumber
setNumber(format: NumberFormat, offset: number, value: number): void;
* Read a number in specified format from the buffer.
//% shim=BufferMethods::getNumber
getNumber(format: NumberFormat, offset: number): number;
/** Returns the length of a Buffer object. */
//% property shim=BufferMethods::length
length: number;
* Fill (a fragment) of the buffer with given value.
//% offset.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=BufferMethods::fill
fill(value: number, offset?: number, length?: number): void;
* Return a copy of a fragment of a buffer.
//% offset.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=BufferMethods::slice
slice(offset?: number, length?: number): Buffer;
* Shift buffer left in place, with zero padding.
* @param offset number of bytes to shift; use negative value to shift right
* @param start start offset in buffer. Default is 0.
* @param length number of elements in buffer. If negative, length is set as the buffer length minus start. eg: -1
//% start.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=BufferMethods::shift
shift(offset: number, start?: number, length?: number): void;
* Rotate buffer left in place.
* @param offset number of bytes to shift; use negative value to shift right
* @param start start offset in buffer. Default is 0.
* @param length number of elements in buffer. If negative, length is set as the buffer length minus start. eg: -1
//% start.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=BufferMethods::rotate
rotate(offset: number, start?: number, length?: number): void;
* Write contents of `src` at `dstOffset` in current buffer.
//% shim=BufferMethods::write
write(dstOffset: number, src: Buffer): void;
// Auto-generated. Do not edit. Really.